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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


GL35.1 - Chart Map Maintenance

**Form Purpose
Use Chart Map Maintenance (GL35.1) to view and maintain a chart map produced
by GL130 (Create Chart Map).

If you wish to summarize the amounts in the "To Company" detail accounts, you
can map more than one "From Company" account to the same "To Company" account.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Maintains Checkpoint/Restart information.

    GLCHMAP    - Maintains chart map records produced by GL130 (Chart Map

    GLCHMAPDTL - Maintains the detail records of each chart map created by
                 GL130 and fine-tuned  by GL35.1 (Chart Map Maintenance).

Referenced Files

    GLMASTER   - Contains the chart of accounts. All Lawson subsystems verify
                 the existence of accounts against this file.