Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


IC03.1 - Report Group

**Form Purpose
Use Report Group (IC03.1) to define report group(s) for a company. You can
use report groups to classify locations for reporting, inquiry and processing
purposes. For example, if six locations existed, you could assign locations
1-3 to a report group called WEST and locations 4-6 to a report group called

Additionally, report totals can be categorized within a report group by
assigning total groups to locations. For example, if you assign locations 1-3
to report group WEST, you could assign locations 1 and 2 to Total Group 1 and
location 3 to Total Group 2. If you specify a report group in inquiry or
report programs, you access only the information related to the locations
within that report group.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
                 to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left

    ICRPTGRP   - Primary file maintained by program.

Referenced Files

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the existence of company.

    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the existence of locations.