IC110 - Intransit Shipping
**Form Purpose
Run Intransit Shipping (IC110) to print a report of the released intransit
transaction documents that have not been received in IC23.1 (Intransit
Receiving). The report operates in two modes: print one document or print all
documents that meet specific criteria.
**More Information
To print one document, enter the intransit document code. You can print or
reprint the document as needed. The form ignores the document's reprint
shipping flag in IC23.1 (Intransit Receiving).
To print more than one document, leave the Intransit Document Code field
blank. In this mode, the report lists only unprinted intransit transaction
documents whose Reprint Shipping flag in IC23.1 (Intransit Receiving) is blank
or set to Yes.
The Intransit Shipping report is printed by company, location, and intransit
document. If specified, these options let you limit the size of this report.
If these fields are left blank, this form prints all intransit documents for
all locations.
This report includes received item quantities. Use this report as a worksheet
for verification purposes to note incoming receivings.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used in back out or restart circumstances.
ICACTIVITY - Updated to indicate that the document has been printed.
Referenced Files
HAZARD - Contains the hazard code descriptions.
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the Inventory Control system company.
ICLOCATION - Contains the location name.
ICTRANS - Contains the intransit transaction information.
ICTRANSDTL - Contains the detail transaction information.
ITCOMMENT - Contains the comments for an item.
ITEMGROUP - Used to obtain the valid comment types defined for the report.
ITEMMAST - Contains the item descriptions.