IC220 - Transaction History Report
**Form Purpose
Run Transaction History Report (IC220) to print a report of item transaction
history for a specified update date range. The update date is the date
transactions were released (updated) to the Inventory Control application. By
default this report prints by company location, item number, and update date.
You can also print this report by transaction date by selecting sort option 2
on this form.
You are required to print this report for an item range or inventory class.
You can also print this report for a specific location and transaction type.
If the location and transaction type fields are left blank, this report
includes all locations and transaction types: adjustments (AJ), bin transfers
(BT), cost adjustments (CA), customer returns (CR), issues (IS), issue
transfers (IT), physical inventory (PI), purchase order receipts (PO),
inventory receipts (RC), rejections (RJ), requisition returns (RR), receipt
transfers (RT), or shipments (SH).
Note The purpose of this report is to provide a hard copy audit of all
transactions that affect inventory balances. This report is similar to and
serves the same purpose as IC50.1 (Transaction History).
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the existence of the company number.
ICLOCATION - Used to print the location description.
ICTRANS - Contains the transaction records.
ICTRANSDTL - Contains detail records by lot/sublot, serial number, or bin
ITEMLOC - Used as a primary file for efficiency to sequence by item.
ITEMMAST - Used to print the item description.
MAJORCL - Used to validate major class.
MINORCL - Used to validate minor class.