IC230 - Lot Status Report
**Form Purpose
Run Lot Status Report (IC230) to print a report of lot-tracked items. The
report lists lot-tracked items by location and includes the item number,
description, lot, sublot, hold status, expiration date, unit of measure,
stock-on-hand, and inspection hold quantities. This information is provided at
the lot and sublot level for an item and includes quantity totals.
This report can be optional run for a specific location, report group, or
inventory class. You can also enter a specific expiration cutoff date. If
specified, this report lists only lot-tracked items with an expiration date
less than or equal to the date specified.
Lots, sublots, holds, and expiration dates are defined when lots are received
in IC29.1 (Lots). After lots are received you can maintained lot information
in IC27.1 (Lot Hold Control).
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the existence of the company number.
ICLOCATION - Used to print the location description.
ICLOT - Used to retrieve the lot information.
ICRPTGRP - Used to validate the report groups.
ITEMMAST - Used to print the item description and stock unit of measure.
MAJORCL - Used to validate the major class.
MINORCL - Used to validate the major-minor class.
SOHDETAIL - Contains the stock-on-hand quantities at the lot/sublot level.
INVOKED Programs