IC241 - Bin Reorder Policy Listing
**Form Purpose
Run Bin Reorder Policy Listing (IC241) to print a list of bin reorder
parameters. This report lists all item bin reordering parameters defined in
IC38.1 (Bin Reorder Policy). The Bin Reorder Policy form is designed to
replenish item picking bins from larger storage bins. Bin reorder policies are
used by IC138 (Bin Replenishment Report) to determine the item bins that need
You can select the items printed on this report by location, report group,
and/or bin group. This report prints by location the item, description, and
associated bin reorder policy parameters.
Reorder policy parameters include the picking bin, storage bin, reorder point
code, reorder point, reorder quantity code, reorder quantity, unit of measure,
order multiple, and maximum order quantity.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
BINGROUP - Used to validate Bin Group.
BINGRPDTL - Detail file used to validate the existence of a bin in a bin
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate company numbers.
ICLOCATION - Used to validate inventory locations.
ICRPTGRP - Used to validate report group and to extract report group
ITEMLOCBIN - Used to extract bin reorder information.
ITEMMAST - Used to obtain item description.