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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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IC289 - Batch Handheld Stop of IC588

**Form Purpose
Run Batch Handheld Stop of IC588 (IC289) to enter parameters to start or stop
IC588 (Handheld Processing), a program used to  process  data uploaded from
the handheld terminal.  This program writes a file that  IC588 checks when it
executes (Response Frequency) to determine if it  should  stop or execute.

For more information on this process, see the form help for IC588, the
Inventory Control User Guide, and the Procurement Management Technical Guide.

IC89.1 (Handheld Start - Stop of IC588) is an online version of the stopping
process.  This batch program can be used in a job stream where the online
version cannot be.  A use of this would be prior to a backup.

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