Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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IC588 - Handheld Processing

**Form Purpose
Run Handheld Processing (IC588) to process data files uploaded from the
handheld terminal. The program directs par count and pick information to RQ500
(Requisition Interface), issues and returns information to IC500 (Transaction
Interface), and patient charge information to PC540 (Patient Charge Upload).

**More Information
You can start this program in three ways. You can submit it as a standard
batch job. Alternatively, you can start it by using IC89.1 (Handheld Start -
Stop of IC588) or IC289 (Batch Handheld Start - Stop of IC588). You must use
IC89.1 or IC289 to stop this program, which remains  active until stopped.

Before you run this program, set up your handheld terminal software.

In addition, before you run IC588, set up jobs in IC500 (Requisition
Interface), PC540 (Patient Charge Upload), and RQ500 (Requisition Interface)
for handheld processing.

Before and after you start IC588, collect inventory par count and pick data,
department issues and  returns data, and patient charge data as a part of your
daily  processing and upload the data as needed.

This program produces a log file that you can view from the handheld desktop

For instructions to set up your handheld terminal desktop software, to upload
data, and to define job parameters for processing handheld data in IC500,
PC540, or RQ500, see the Procurement Management Technical Guide.

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