Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


IC500 - Transaction Interface

**Form Purpose
Run Transaction Interface (IC500) to import inventory transactions from an
input file. IC500 can take input from a table as well as a flat file.

You can run IC500 to process files uploaded by the handheld terminal and
routed to IC500 by IC588 (Handheld Processing). To process handheld terminal
transactions, you must set up IC500 jobs and parameters according to the
requirements for handheld processing. For details of preparing IC500 for
handheld processing, see the Inventory Control User Guide.

IC500 prints a list of transactions with fatal errors, such as invalid
location or item number. It updates transactions with nonfatal errors, such as
insufficient stock-on-hand quantities or lots on hold, to the appropriate
transaction form as unreleased transactions. You can correct and then release
transactions with nonfatal errors to the Inventory Control application.

**Processing Effect
IC500 uses the same logic used in several inventory transaction forms to
process the input transactions: receipts (IC20), issues (IC21), transfers
(IC22), intransit receiving (IC23), and adjustments (IC24). IC500 updates
successfully processed transactions to the appropriate transaction form(s),
Then, it releases the transactions to the Inventory Control application and
immediately updates inventory stock-on-hand quantities.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
                 to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left

    ICACTIVITY - Primary file maintained by the program.

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the company number.




    ICLOT      - The Lots with Expire Date/On Hold file stores the expiration
                 dates and/or the hold flag for lots.

    ICRECEIPTS - The cost history file which is used for LIFO and FIFO costing.

    ICTRANS    - Contains all the inventory transactions entered in the
                 Inventory Control system.

    ICTRANSDTL - The Inventory Transaction Detail file is created for lot or
                 serial number tracked items or for a multiple bin or unit of
                 measure transaction.

    ITEMLOC    - The Item Location file contains the dynamic information for an
                 inventoried item at a stock location.

    ITSERIAL   - This file stores the valid serial numbers currently in stock
                 and issued.

    MMUAVAL    -

    RQTRANS    - This file is the history of all deliveries for all

    SOHDETAIL  - The Stock On Hand Detail File contains the detail quantities
                 for an item at a location, if the item is controlled by bin or
                 lot/sublot or multiple units of measure.

    WHDEMAND   - The Demand file contains all the records that the Warehouse
                 system needs for processing demands.

Referenced Files

    CUCONV     - This file maintains rate tables for each defined currency

    CURELAT    -

    GLADDRESS  - This file contains the name, address, and communication
                 numbers for the company and needed accounting units.

    GLCHART    - This file contains chart and system account information in the
                 General Ledger system.

    GLCODES    - This file holds information relating to systems, source codes,
                 folders and process groups.

    GLINTCO    - This file contains interzone and intercompany relationships.

    GLSYSTEM   - This file contains company information used primarily by the
                 General Ledger system, but is also referenced by Lawson

    ICBIN      - The Bin Numbers file is a master list of valid bin numbers in
                 a location used for tracking items by bin.

    ICCATEGORY - The GL Account Category file is a master file that defines the
                 inventory and offset general ledger accounts used to post
                 inventory transactions.


    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the inventory location.

    ITEMMAST   - The Item Master file stores static information about each item
                 such as description, classes, units of measure, and weight.

    POLINE     -


    REASON     - This file contains the approved reasons which explain why
                 inventory transactions were made.

    RQLOC      - This file contains the valid requesting locations for the

INVOKED Programs
