Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


IC851 - History Load

**Form Purpose
Run History Load (IC851) to process summarized transaction history data from
another application. IC851 updates the Inventory Control database. It creates
the Transaction History file and produces a report. The report lists fatal and
nonfatal errors. (Fatal errors do not create transaction history records.)

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
                 to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left

    ICHISTORY  - The Transaction History file contains the history of an item's
                 inventory transactions summarized by transaction type and
                 period or year.

Referenced Files

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the company number.

    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the inventory location.

    ICTRANS    - Contains all the inventory transactions entered in the
                 Inventory Control system.

    ITEMLOC    - The Item Location file contains the dynamic information for an
                 inventoried item at a stock location.

    ITEMMAST   - The Item Master file stores static information about each item
                 such as description, classes,
                  units of measure, and weight.

    PORECLINE  - This file contains purchase order receiving line item detail
                 and status information.