PA170 - Budget Update
**Form Purpose
Run Budget Update (PA170) to change many budget records at one time.
You define the budget records you want to search for and the parameters you
want to change. You can update the records or create a report listing the
records that would be impacted. If you run the update, the system changes
budget records immediately.
**Processing Effect
This program automatically creates an error report that displays any problems
the system encountered while trying to perform the update. The system checks
for the same problems as if these changes were performed on PA70.1 (Position
Budget) or PA71.1 (Job Budget).
Updated Files
CKPOINT - The Check Point file is the environment file used for recovery.
PABUDGET - The Budget file is the primary file maintained by PA170.
Referenced Files
DEPTCODE - The Department file verifies the department.
JOBCODE - The Job Code Parameters file verifies the job code.
PAASSIGNED - The Assigned Resources file retrieves the assigned head count
and edits it against the new head count and FTE.
PAPOSITION - The Position Changes file retrieves all positions for a budget.
PAPOSRULE - The Position Rules file verifies that company rules exist and
uses rules for edits.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels verifies the company and
process level and retrieves the company name.
INVOKED Programs