PA172 - Initiate Preliminary Budget Data
**Form Purpose
Run Initiate Preliminary Budget Data (PA172) to copy selected budget
information to PA72.1 (Preliminary Position Budget) or PA73.1 (Preliminary Job
You can use this form to start the budget planning process or to copy records
in the middle of a fiscal year.
**Processing Effect
This program will not overwrite existing budget information. If you want to
delete existing preliminary information, use PA371 (Budget Purge) and then run
this program.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - The Check Point file is the environment file used for recovery.
PABUDGET - The Budget file is the primary file maintained by PA171.
Referenced Files
DEPTCODE - The Department file verifies that the department exists.
JOBCODE - The Job Code Parameters file verfifies the job code.
PAASSIGNED - The Assigned Resources file retrieves the assigned head count
and edits it against the new head count and FTE.
PAPOSITION - The Position Changes file retrieves all positions for a budget.
PAPOSRULE - The Position Rules file verfifies that company rules exist and
uses the rules for edits.
PCODES - The Human Resource Code file verifies the budget reason.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Level file verifies the company and
process level and retrieves the company name.