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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


PA241 - Interview Listing

**Form Purpose
Run Interview Listing (PA241) to print a list of interview information for
internal and external applicants from PA41.1 (Interviews).

**More Information
An internal applicant is an employee in the company applying for a job in the
company, while an external applicant is an individual applying for a job from
outside the company.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    APPJOBHIST - The Applicant Job History file is used to print job reference

    APPLICANT  - The Applicant file is used to print name, applicant data
                 including job preferences .

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file is used to print employee data.

    EMSTATUS   - The Employee/Applicant Status file is used to verify employees

    INTERVIEW  - The Applicant Interview file is the primary file printed on
                 this report.

    JOBCODE    - The Job Code Parameters file is used to print job code

    PACOMMENTS - The PACOMMENTS file is used to print comment text.

    PAJOBREQ   - The Job Requisition file is accessed by this report.

    PAPOSITION - The Personnel Position Parameter file is accessed by this

    PCODES     - The PCODES file is used to print hr code descriptions.

    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the

    REFERENC   - The Applicant Reference file is used to verify references.