PA341 - Hire and Term Listing
**Form Purpose
Run Hire and Term Listing (PA341) to print a list of employees who are
employed or terminated or both.
The action shows the Employee (number and name), the effective date of the
action (hire or term), the term date (term actions only), social number, job
code, and reason (reason code attached to the action). Only those actions
(hire and/or term) identified will be included. Blank will not list all.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
DEPTCODE - The Department Codes file is accessed to verify the department.
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is accessed to retrieve employee information
for the report.
JOBCODE - The Job Code file is accessed to retrieve the job description.
PERSACTHST - The Personnel Action History file is accessed to print
employee actoin history.
PERSACTYPE - The Personnel Action Type file is accessed to print employee
action history.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Level file is accessed to verify
the company and process level.