PA37.1 - Applicant Qualification Override
**Form Purpose
Use Applicant Qualification Override (PA37.1) to qualify applicants for a job
or position even though they do not meet the defined requirements. For
example, an applicant who does not have the required education degree may be
considered qualified based on his or her work experience.
**Processing Effect
An applicant who is authorized for a job using this screen appears in
Applicant Job Qualification (PA65.1), and an applicant authorized for a
position appears in Applicant Position Qualification (PA65.2). An applicant
authorized for either a job or a position would also appear in Applicant
Qualification Search (PA63.1).
Updated Files
CKPOINT - The Check Point file is the environment file used for recovery.
JOBAUTH - The Employee Job Authorization file is the main file is
maintained by this program.
Referenced Files
APPLICANT - The Applicant file is used to verify applicants.
JOBCODE - The Job Code Parameters file is used to verify job code
PAPOSITION - The Personnel Position Parameter file is used to verify
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the