PA390 - EEO-1 Report
**Form Purpose
Run EEO-1 Report (PA390) to create the EEO-1 report.
You can run the report for a single establishment or a multi-establishment
**Processing Effect
PA390 selects employees to include in the report according to
- Employee Status
- Hire and/or Adjusted Hire Date
- Termination Date
- Work State
The report includes employees who
- are eligible for pay according to their employee status during the payroll
- have a hire date earlier than the last day of the payroll period.
- are employed in the U.S. (all 50 states and the District of Columbia).
The report excludes employees with a termination date that is earlier than
the first day of the payroll period.
For each EEO-1 category, the report lists the total number of employees
according to
- Gender
- EEO Class
If you run the report for a multi-establishment company, the report lists the
totals by establishment.
The report also lists employees who were
- Included in the default establishment
- Not included in the report
The report only includes employees from the U.S. (all 50 states and the
District of Columbia).
Updated Files
CKPOINT - The Check Point file is the universe file used for recovery.
EEOUNIT - When the Update field is Update, the EEO Establishment file
updates the number of employees by EEO-class.
Referenced Files
EEODETAIL - The EEO Establishment Detail file is used to print
establishment number.
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is used to print employee data.
EMSTATUS - The Employee/Applicant Status file is used to verify employees
status found.
HRHISTORY - The HR History report is used to retrieve pay code changes
that affect benefits.
JOBCODE - The Job Code Parameters file is used to determine EEO-category.
PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee Personnel Information file is used to print
employee data.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the
company and to print the company's name and address.