PC530 - Patient Charge Download
**Form Purpose
Run Patient Charge Download (PC530) to extract patient charges and create an
export file for a patient billing system. To control export file options, use
the Send to Billing and the Resend to Billing form tabs. Optionally, use the
Select by Date Range form tab to select patient charges for use elsewhere.
You can create the following file formats:
- Lawson (flat file)
- HL7 (Health Level Seven)
Updated Files
CKPOINT - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left
CXCOMPANY - This file is used to get batch information.
HCPATCHRG - This is the Patient Charge file.
Referenced Files
HCCHRGITEM - This is the patient Charge Item cross reference file.
HCPATIENT - This is the Patient information file.
HCPATVISIT - This is the Patient Visit information file.
ICCOMPANY - This file is used to validate the company number.