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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


TA40.1 - Canadian Vacation Plan Master

**Form Purpose
Use Canadian Vacation Plan Master (TA40.1) to define vacation plan parameters.

This form is used with the schedules defined in Canadian Vacation Hours
Schedule (TA40.2) and Canadian Vacation Dates Schedule (TA40.3).

**Processing Effect
If you select 1 (No Accrual, Vac Pay Only) in the Accrual Type field,
employees are paid for vacation time each pay period instead of accumulating
vacation pay. In this case, the system accrues the hours for the pay period
when Time Accrual Update Program (TA146) is run and you submit Canadian
Vacation Payout (PR130) to pay for that vacation in time.

If you select 2 ( Accrual - Dollars Only) in the Accrual Type field, the
hours or date schedule is used to calculate the amount to accrue. TA146 uses
the schedules to define the level of eligibility for vacation percentage which
is used to calculate dollars.

If you select 3 (Accrual Dollars and Hours) in the Accrual Type field, both
dollars and hours are accrued.  TA146 uses the schedules to define the level
of eligibility for vacation percentage which is used to calculate dollars.
When paying out vacation under this type of accrual, the dollars and hours
entered on the time record will reduce the balances accordingly.

Note If you select 3 in the Accrual Type field, hours are not automatically
calculated when you pay out vacation using PR130, because it is not possible
to exactly calculate the number of hours associated with a specific dollar
amount because the pay rate can vary during the accrual period. Therefore, to
ensure accuracy, timecards for this accrual type can be handled directly
through time record entry instead of PR130 or adjusting hours using Canadian
Vacation Adjustments (TA42).

The Balance Limit field defines the maximum an employee can hold. This
maximum can be based on the number of hours or on a factor. It does not affect
the number of actual dollars an employee can hold in the plan. Once the number
of hours is reached the plan will stop accruing. Because the limit reached is
specifically only for hours, it should be used for plans that are accruing
Dollars and Hours or for special User Calc where hours are accrued.

Updated Files




Referenced Files



    GLINTCO    -



    PRSYSTEM   -

TA40.2 - Canadian Vacation Hours Schedule

**Form Purpose
Use Canadian Vacation Hours Schedule (TA40.2) to enter hour schedules for
Canadian vacation plans.

Use TA40.2 for plans that require hours of service to determine plan
eligibility. Before you use TA40.2, you must select 1 (Hours ) in the Plan
Basis  field and enter a Pay Class on the Canadian Vacation Plan Master

**Processing Effect
The Earnings Rules section defines the number of hours that use specific pay
class earnings.

The Vacation Accrual/Payment Rules section determines the vacation percentage
and annual entitlement hours that a particular employee receives.  During
Canadian Vacation Calculation (TA146) processing, the system finds the
employees hours (according to the hours type on the schedule) and determines
which level they fall into on the chart based on those hours. Next, it locates
the percent and entitlement hours. The pay code from this section is used to
when you automatically generate payments with Canadian Vacation Payout

The Annual Entitlement Hours field is used to calculate the accrued hours
using the following formula:

(the number of days per pay frequency divided by 365) x the value in the
Ann-Entitle field x the FTE on the employee record.

If this is the very first accrual for the employee, the calculation is based
on the actual number of days since the first eligible date.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    PAYCLASS   -



    PRSYSTEM   -


TA40.3 - Canadian Vacation Date Schedule

**Form Purpose
Use Canadian Vacation Date Schedule (TA40.3) to enter date schedules for
Canadian vacation plans.

Use TA40.3 for plans that require dates of service to determine plan
eligibility. This schedule defines length of service based on the hire date or
adjusted hire date. Before you use TA40.3, you must select 2 (Date ) in the
Plan Basis  field of Canadian Vacation Plan Master (TA40.1).

**Processing Effect
Based on the level of service which is determined, the employee is entitled
to a certain vacation percentage and annual entitlement hours. The Vacation
Earnings Pay Class field determines which earnings are used as a basis. The
Vacation Pay Code field is used when a payment is automatically generated with
Canadian Vacation Payout (PR130).

The Annual Entitlement Hours field is used to calculate the hours accrual
using the following formula:

(the number of days per pay frequency divided by 365) x the value in the
Ann-Entitle field x the FTE on the employee record.

If this is the very first accrual for the employee, the calculation is based
on the actual number days since the first eligible date.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    PAYCLASS   -



    PRSYSTEM   -


INVOKED Programs
