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IC527 - HL7 Item Master - DeRoyal

**Form Purpose
For UNIX platform:
Run HL7 Item Master - DeRoyal (IC527) to extract Item Master information for the DeRoyal surgery system interface. The program creates a Health Level Seven (HL7) format export file in the directory of $LAWDIR/productline/interface. You can run IC527 by company and by either report group or location. Here is what is reported and captured by this program when data items change. - The following data items in the ITEMMAST database file: DESCRIPTION, DESCRIPTION2, ITE-INVEN-MAJCL, ITE-INVEN-MINCL, STOCK-UOM, ALT-UOM (1), ALT-UOM-CONV (1), ALT-UOM (2), ALT-UOM-CONV (2), ALT-UOM (3), ALT-UOM-CONV (3), ALT-UOM (4), ALT-UOM-CONV (4), and the default buy ITE-ALT-UOM from the UOM routine for ITEMMAST. - The following data items in the ITEMLOC database file: PREFER-BIN, SOH-QTY, LEADTIME-DAYS, CHARGEABLE-FL, TRACKING-FL, LAST-ISSUE-DT, ACTIVE-STATUS, UOM; if the item location is inventory tracked, then if AVERAGE-COST > zeroes, test it; if the item location is not inventory tracked, then if the replenishment location exists, and its AVERAGE-COST > zeroes, test it; if still no cost is arrived at, then if a requesting location exists, and its AVERAGE-COST is > zeroes, then test it; if still no cost is arrived at, test the LAST-REC-COST from the original ITEMLOC. - The following data items in the HCCHRGITEM database file: PRICE, CHARGE-NBR. - The following data items in the ITEMSRC database file: VENDOR, VEN-VENDOR-VNAME from APVENMAST using VENDOR, PIV-VEN-ITEM from POITEMVEN using VENDOR and ITEM. - The following data items from the default routine of manufacturer code: MANUF-CODE, MANUF-NBR, MANUF-DIVISION, LIC-CODE, DESCRIPTION. In all, there are 33 data items that are tested for having changed, and if they have changed, they are captured for the report and the extract file. This, in addition to the new items, not before captured, that are captured in their entirety. For iSeries platform:
Run HL7 Item Master - DeRoyal (IC527) to extract Item Master information for the DeRoyal surgery system interface. The program creates a Health Level Seven (HL7) format export file in the directory of LAWDIR/productline/interface. You can run IC527 by company and by either report group or location. Here is what is reported and captured by this program when data items change. - The following data items in the DBICITE database file: DSCRPT, DSCTN2, DITEINVMJC, DITEINVMNC, STCKUM, ALTUOM (1), ALUMCN (1), ALTUOM (2), ALUMCN (2), ALTUOM (3), ALUMCN (3), ALTUOM (4), ALUMCN (4), and the default buy DITEAU from the UOM routine for DBICITE. - The following data items in the DBICITL database file: PRFRBN, SOHQTY, LDTDYS, CHRGBL, TRCKNG, LSISDT, ACTSTT, UOM; if the item location is inventory tracked, then if AVRCST > zeroes, test it; if the item location is not inventory tracked, then if the replenishment location exists, and its AVRCST > zeroes, test it; if still no cost is arrived at, then if a requesting location exists, and its AVRCST is > zeroes, then test it; if still no cost is arrived at, test the LSRCCS from the original DBICITL. - The following data items in the DBICHCI database file: PRICE, CHRNBR. - The following data items in the DBICITM database file: VENDOR, DVENVNDVNM from DBAPVEN using VENDOR, DPIVVNITM from DBPOPIV using VENDOR and ITEM. - The following data items from the default routine of manufacturer code: MNFCD, MNFNBR, MNFDVS, LCCD, DSCRPT. In all, there are 33 data items that are tested for having changed, and if they have changed, they are captured for the report and the extract file. This, in addition to the new items, not before captured, that are captured in their entirety. Updated Files ADDRDATA - CKPOINT - Used in the event of a program or system failure to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left off. ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the Inventory Control company. ITEMLOC - Contains the information for an inventory item at a stock location. Referenced Files APCOMPANY - Used to validate the Accounts Payable company. APVENGROUP - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine. APVENMAST - Used in an Accounts Payable common routine. GLADDRESS - Used in a General Ledger common routine. GLCHART - Used to validate system accounts. GLCODES - GLSYSTEM - Used to obtain the activity flag. HCCHRGITEM - This is the Patient Charge Item cross-reference file. ICBIN - ICCATEGORY - ICLOCATION - Used to validate the inventory location. ICMANFCODE - Contains a user-defined list of codes used to identify manufacturers of items. ICRPTGRP - Stores valid report groups used to define groups of locations for reporting purposes. INSTCTRYCD - ITEMMAST - Contains information about each item such as description, classes, units of measure, and weight. ITEMSRC - POITEMVEN - Contains the vendor's item identifier. PROCUREGRP - RQLOC - INVOKED Programs API4 ACAC ACCL ACTA IFCU IFAC IFAU IFOB IFSG SLSE SLSU IFLU ICI1