Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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OE310 - Order History Purge

**Form Purpose
Run Order History Purge (OE310) to purge allocated orders, invoices, and
warehouse files that meet the criteria entered. Orders are closed when all
lines for the order have been shipped and invoiced. Orders are processed in
the Warehouse application.

Warning This program permanently deletes data. Before you run this program,
back up your data according to your company's procedures. Before you submit
the report, carefully review the parameters.

Updated Files

    BLOEIUF    -

    BLOILUF    -

    CKPOINT    - Used in restart logic.

    COLINE     - Purged by this program.

    COLINEUOM  - Purged by this program.

    COMISC     - Purged by this program.

    COSGBLK    -

    CUSTORDER  - Purged by this program.

    EPTRANS    -

    OEAUDIT    - Purged by this program.

    OECOLUF    -

    OECORUF    -

    OEINVCCOMM - Purged by this program.

    OEINVCDTL  - Purged by this program.

    OEINVCLINE - Purged by this program.

    OEINVCMISC - Purged by this program.

    OEINVCTAX  - Purged by this program.

    OEINVCUOM  - Purged by this program.

    OEINVOICE  - Purged by this program.


    OEORDCMNT  - Purged by this program.

    WHSHIPCOMP - Purged by this program.

    WHSHIPLINE - Purged by this program.

    WHSHIPMENT - Purged by this program.

    WHSHLAUD   - Purged by this program.

    WHSHLDTL   - Purged by this program.

    WHWHLUF    -

    WHWHSUF    -

Referenced Files

    CUCONV     -

    CURELAT    -

    GLSYSTEM   -

    OECOMPANY  - Purged by this program.

    SACOMPANY  - Used to validate a company in the Sales Analysis system.

INVOKED Programs
