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                              BLOILUF FILE

The Invoice Line User Fields file contains user fields that can be entered on
Invoice lines.




BL120     BL122     BL130     BL20.1    BL20.3    BL21.2
BL21.5    BL29.1    BL29.2    BL520     BL820     BL92.1
OE114     OE129     OE30.1    OE30.2    OE30.3    OE30.4
OE30.5    OE30.6    OE30.7    OE30.9    OE310     OE530


BDU-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 BL120   BL122
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the          BL130   BL20.1
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR     BL20.3  BL21.2
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is  BL21.5  BL29.1
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.       BL29.2  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 OE114   OE129
                                                                 OE30.1  OE30.2
                                                                 OE30.3  OE30.4
                                                                 OE30.5  OE30.6
                                                                 OE30.7  OE30.9
                                                                 OE530   OE830

BDU-INVC-PREFIX        Alpha 2                                   BL120   BL122
Element: Invoice PrefixThis field contains the invoice prefix    BL130   BL20.1
                       that is assigned from either the company  BL20.3  BL21.2
                       or process level, depending on the        BL21.5  BL29.1
                       invoice-level option chosen.              BL29.2  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 OE114   OE129
                                                                 OE30.1  OE30.2
                                                                 OE30.3  OE30.4
                                                                 OE30.5  OE30.6
                                                                 OE30.7  OE30.9
                                                                 OE530   OE830

BDU-INVC-NUMBER        Numeric 8                                 BL120   BL122
Element: Invc Number   This field contains the invoice number    BL130   BL20.1
                       assigned by the system.  Invoice numbers  BL20.3  BL21.2
                       are assigned at the company or process    BL21.5  BL29.1
                       level, depending on an invoice-level      BL29.2  BL520
                       option on the company file.               BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 OE114   OE129
                                                                 OE30.1  OE30.2
                                                                 OE30.3  OE30.4
                                                                 OE30.5  OE30.6
                                                                 OE30.7  OE30.9
                                                                 OE530   OE830

BDU-LINE-NBR           Numeric 6                                 BL120   BL122
Element: Line Number   This field contains the line number.      BL130   BL20.1
                                                                 BL20.3  BL21.2
                                                                 BL21.5  BL29.1
                                                                 BL29.2  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 OE114   OE129
                                                                 OE30.1  OE30.2
                                                                 OE30.3  OE30.4
                                                                 OE30.5  OE30.6
                                                                 OE30.7  OE30.9
                                                                 OE530   OE830

BDU-OIL-USR-FLD-01     Alpha 20                                  BL120   BL122
Element: Oil Usr Fld 01Invoice Line user field 1.                BL130   BL20.1
                                                                 BL20.3  BL21.2
                                                                 BL21.5  BL29.1
                                                                 BL29.2  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 OE114   OE129
                                                                 OE30.1  OE30.2
                                                                 OE30.3  OE30.4
                                                                 OE30.5  OE30.6
                                                                 OE30.7  OE30.9
                                                                 OE530   OE830

BDU-OIL-USR-FLD-02     Alpha 20                                  BL120   BL122
Element: Oil Usr Fld 02Invoice Line user field 2.                BL130   BL20.1
                                                                 BL20.3  BL21.2
                                                                 BL21.5  BL29.1
                                                                 BL29.2  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 OE114   OE129
                                                                 OE30.1  OE30.2
                                                                 OE30.3  OE30.4
                                                                 OE30.5  OE30.6
                                                                 OE30.7  OE30.9
                                                                 OE530   OE830

BDU-OIL-USR-FLD-03     Alpha 20                                  BL120   BL122
Element: Oil Usr Fld 03Invoice Line user field 3.                BL130   BL20.1
                                                                 BL20.3  BL21.2
                                                                 BL21.5  BL29.1
                                                                 BL29.2  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 OE114   OE129
                                                                 OE30.1  OE30.2
                                                                 OE30.3  OE30.4
                                                                 OE30.5  OE30.6
                                                                 OE30.7  OE30.9
                                                                 OE530   OE830

BDU-OIL-USR-FLD-04     Alpha 20                                  BL120   BL122
Element: Oil Usr Fld 04Invoice Line user field 4.                BL130   BL20.1
                                                                 BL20.3  BL21.2
                                                                 BL21.5  BL29.1
                                                                 BL29.2  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 OE114   OE129
                                                                 OE30.1  OE30.2
                                                                 OE30.3  OE30.4
                                                                 OE30.5  OE30.6
                                                                 OE30.7  OE30.9
                                                                 OE530   OE830

BDU-OIL-USR-FLD-05     Alpha 20                                  BL120   BL122
Element: Oil Usr Fld 05Invoice Line user field 5.                BL130   BL20.1
                                                                 BL20.3  BL21.2
                                                                 BL21.5  BL29.1
                                                                 BL29.2  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 OE114   OE129
                                                                 OE30.1  OE30.2
                                                                 OE30.3  OE30.4
                                                                 OE30.5  OE30.6
                                                                 OE30.7  OE30.9
                                                                 OE530   OE830

                         BLOILUF FILE INDEX


BDUSET1   COMPANY                                                BL120   BL122
          INVC-PREFIX                                            BL130   BL20.1
          INVC-NUMBER                                            BL20.3  BL21.2
          LINE-NBR                                               BL21.5  BL29.1
                                                                 BL29.2  BL520
                                                                 BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 OE114   OE129
                                                                 OE30.1  OE30.2
                                                                 OE30.3  OE30.4
                                                                 OE30.5  OE30.6
                                                                 OE30.7  OE30.9
                                                                 OE310   OE530
                                                                 OE830   TX00.1