Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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ESS/MSS ID and Password    

Started By  Steve Datish
We are in the process of rolling out ESS to 4,000 users on LSF9 and are trying to limit the maintenance on ESS passwords.  I have a few questions: What logic do you use to assign the initial ESS password (ex. birth yearlast 4 of SSN) Do you allow ESS users to change their password Do you force users to change their password after initial log on Do Lawson users have two separate ID's, one for ESS/MSS and a separate ID if they are a Lawson application user Thanks
1 5429 2
by  jeremy.zerrJump to last post
10/23/2008 4:03 PM

Savings Bonds    

Started By  HAYES
I need to set up a savings bond benefit plan.  We will have seven different face values available for purchase.  Does anyone have any examples of savings bond setup that would help stream line our learning curve  Thanks in advance.
6 5458 2
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
9/11/2008 7:18 PM

403B and Roth setup with company match limits    

Started By  DeAnna
I'm looking for some guidance on how companies have setup both a 403B employee deduction and a Roth deduction with company match on both.  Currently we allow both a flat $ amount deduction or a and the match is capped at 10 of the employee contribution upto 5 of the total employee income.
2 4830 1
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
9/11/2008 7:26 PM


Started By  Deleted User
I am trying to set up my payroll to use FLSA  rules(PR132).  Policy states Sunday work is overtime regardless of any other hours worked in the pay period.  How do I set up for this since it may not be over 40 hours total.  Thanks
2 4185 1
by  Carolyn LeeJump to last post
8/1/2008 6:25 PM

LP Absence Management Help    

Started By  Ryan
I need help on allotmants I have one setup to drop 420 hours and it is a use or lose it by there adjusted hire date.  I can't figure out how to make this drop off.  I think it is in the limit rule within that the carryover rule.  It keeps wanting to drop 840 hours after it hits the second year instead of just dropping what wasn't used.  Any help would be nice. Thanks Ryan
4 6285 2
by  RyanJump to last post
9/5/2008 2:19 PM

Self Service Bookmarks    

Started By  Shane Jones
I must be missing something ...   I setup a couple bookmarks for a group and wanted the bookmarks to automatically show up for the associates that are assigned to that group.   However, they will all have to 'subscribe' to see the new bookmark.   Is there something that I can do that will just make the bookmarks appear the next time they log into portal Thanks Shane
2 5008 1
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
9/11/2008 7:37 PM


Started By  jg777z
Our employee groups are slightly out of sync thanks to a two-week period where PA100 did not move employees to the appropriate groups all of the time. We've fixed that issue but are stuck with inaccurate groups. We have 32,000 employee records and about 2500 groups (they drive network access, distribution lists, etc). Running an HR155 for 'All Groups' (option 3) would sync groups and employees...but this takes 3-4 days to completely process given the volume. Has anyone found a good way to upda...
2 4407 0
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
9/11/2008 7:46 PM

PMTOUT for Quebec    

Started By  Tammy
We are on Lawson HR Suite 8.0.3.  We are converting Canada employees onto our system.  Canada requires paychecks for Quebec residents to be printed in French.  Has anyone already done this using the Lawson PMTOUT file or some other means of Lawson data as input Lawson stated they have partners that will print the checks and all that is needed is to check the French language indicator on the PMTOUT file and send the file to their partners.  We spoke with their 'partners' and they do not do this...
3 4220 1
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
8/18/2008 1:53 PM

PR39 and Benefit Deductions    

Started By  Deleted User
I had a user enter about 300 one time benefit deductions using a date later than our check date (oops) which was discovered during our payroll cycle.  I had no problems using PR539 to delete the deductions, but when using the same file format, etc., trying to add them back in I couldn't get past the error 'no records found to process'. Because of a time crunch, I followed Lawson's KB article, and used the add-ins to upload to PR39.2.  Quite a few employees had multiple benefit deductions that we...
2 7348 0
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
9/15/2008 9:10 AM

overtime report (OT)    

Started By  bob
Has anyone created a payroll overtime report   If so, may I see how you did it. thanks in advance
3 4218 1
by  Sam SimpsonJump to last post
9/23/2008 9:31 PM


Started By  linda phillips
we are currently on 8.03 apps and 9.0LSF. We did our quartely taxes for pa and we got a rejection form the state due to a carrage return line field missing, record to long. Has anyone had this issue for Pa on this version
1 4433 0
by  Ben CoonfieldJump to last post
9/19/2008 9:36 PM

BN103 and BN531 using Lawson 9.0    

Started By  SkaddenCourtney
My company recently upgraded to Lawson 9.0. We are in the process of converting some of our plans and using the BN103 to stop benefits and BN531 to enroll them in new plans. My question is, how can this be done in the new Lawson since there is no place to upload the file created by BN103 and you cannot define CSV attributes in the new Lawson 9. Any help would be appreciated.
4 4572 2
by  Phil SimonJump to last post
9/17/2008 2:52 PM

Create TIMERECORD records    

Started By  maalimsimo
My organisation needs to create 2 extra records on TIMERECORD (before PR140 is run) from existing ones, for each employee that is enrolled in a Deferred Compensation plan (similar in nature to 401K). The two records will have positive and the other, negative Wage amounts to offset each other. The user has determined that Lawson cannot handle both 401k and this plan effectively without this customization. Has anyone here ever successfully created custom TIMERECORD records without compromising dat...
4 5495 1
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
9/23/2008 3:29 PM

ESS payment modeling    

Started By  MattM
Wehn in payment modeling, a user gets a message that says: 'Not authorized to access employee' even though she is trying to access her own information.   Any insight would be deeply appreciated.
0 4233 1
9/23/2008 7:39 PM

ESS Tax Withholding    

Started By  MattM
When within ESS a user clicks on tax withholding, and receives a message that says: 'This task is not available for your location.'   Any insight would be deeply appreciated.
1 4183 1
by  MattMJump to last post
9/25/2008 8:56 AM

ESS Benefits Enrollment    

Started By  MattM
We have a new hire trying to do her new hire enrollment and she receives this message: New Hire Enrollment in Lawson.  The error message is 'You cannot use benefits enrollment. Could not find employee record'.  I have verified the user exists in HR11 and also verified the users RM info under _employee is correct. Any Insight would be deeply appreciated.
2 5251 1
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
9/24/2008 12:27 PM

Weekly Payroll Close    

Started By  Carolyn Lee
Hi, we are on a biweekly payroll and testing the process for weekly payroll close for adjustments, voids and manual checks. Ultimately, we'd like to automate this through process flow. Does anyone use PF for weekly (or mini) close Whether automated or not, what is your process for weekly close What kind of audits do you run to ensure a clean process Thanks! Carolyn
1 3872 0
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
9/24/2008 12:37 PM

LP70 Allottment of FMLA hours    

Started By  Jodi Kruesel
I am setting up FMLA plans.  We will be manually allotting hours on the LP70 which will be processed by LP140 and LP197.  The problem I am having is that the LP70 allottment(transaction type of 2) is not being transferred to available balance by the LP140.  I have the Eligibility rule set up with Occurrence as 99 - As accrued.  Has anyone ran into this or know how to resolve it.  We are on LSF9 App 8.1. All insight would be appreciated.
2 4895 1
by  Jodi KrueselJump to last post
9/25/2008 11:31 AM

MSS Job Reqs    

Started By  Susan
We are implementing MSS Job Reqs.  Has anyone out there done this who is willing to field some general questions  Thanks!
0 4105 2
10/7/2008 1:24 PM

How to Launch HR15    

Started By  Pramod Chandra
Hi I am a new bie to Lawson HR Can you please let me know how can  i launch HR15 form to view the values, as i know that this form can not be launched directly , it must be some other form which has link to HR15 should be used
1 3870 2
by  Pramod ChandraJump to last post
10/17/2008 11:01 AM

Add in for Position User Fields    

Started By  Michelle
Hi, I've been fighting all day with creating an add in for position user fields, has anyone had luck with this  Thanks!
2 3616 1
by  MichelleJump to last post
10/23/2008 7:10 PM

ESS Current Benefit Limit    

Started By  SkaddenCourtney
We are currently using Lawson version 9. In ESS Benefit Enrollment,. In the Current Benefits review, we are finding that some elections are dropping off the employee record even though they exsist in BN32. We believe it has to do with the number of elections/deductions will allow. Has anyone else found this
1 3643 0
by  SkaddenCourtneyJump to last post
10/23/2008 6:38 PM

Time Entry - Status    

Started By  Chandra
We are in 9.x and In MSS we see a status for Time entry which is a magnifying glass in Red, Yellow or Green depending on whether an employee has 'Not entered time' or 'Entered time and not submitted' or 'Entered time and submitted'. I was wondering which tables and columns in Lawson 9.x has that status information. We are planning to create an alert employee process based on the status.  I don't know if Lawson has a similar functionality built in - Please also share if you know there is some...
4 4063 1
by  ChandraJump to last post
10/28/2008 5:11 PM

PA59 Add In    

Started By  Michelle
Has anyone had success with doing add ins for PA59  We are running into an issue with using add ins, what essentially happens is that the first record won't load in multiple disciplinary actions but all of the rest will.  Does anyone know if this is like the PA95 where you have to add the first record manually and then load the rest Thanks!
4 4514 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
10/30/2008 3:03 PM

Yikes - a Year End Question Already!    

Started By  Deleted User
Does anyone process W2s for Puerto Rico employees The year end guides aren't specific enough, because every time I try to test I can get only one W2 (and we have about 50 employees).  If you do process these, do you have any step by step instructions you'd be willing to share  We've given up in past years and filed directly on the Puerto Rico web site, but it's a manual process and extremely tedious with multiple opportunities for errors.  Thanks in advance Stephanie
0 3666 1
11/4/2008 10:55 AM
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