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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AR129 - Automatic Prepayment Apply

Run AR130 (Automatic Cash Application Audit) to automatically apply payments
and, in certain cases, credit memos to open items for customers that have Yes
selected in the Automatic Application Method Apply field, and a method
selected in the Application Method field in AR10 (Customer).

Automatic application occurs in three ways: transaction match, transaction
applied, and the algorithm method. Transaction match uses a remittance advice
to match a payment to an associated open item. Transaction applied has two
types of processing: balance forward (oldest payments applied to oldest open
items) and last statement (oldest payments applied to open items on the
customer's last statement). The algorithm method applies a payment to a single
open item of the same amount (including a user-defined variance) or to a
user-defined combination of open items (variance not applicable).

Customers that have Open Item processing selected in the Application Method
field in AR10 (Customer) can use any automatic cash application method.
Customers that have  Balance Forward processing selected in the Application
Method field in AR10 (Customer) can use only the balance forward automatic
cash application method.

Specific rules exist for the automatic application of credits and payments for
a national account relationship. Only the balance forward and transaction
match application methods can use national account application feature.

For balance forward processing, all unapplied payments and credits of the
national account will be applied first to the national account, then to
invoiced customers, assuming at least one payment is applied. The application
of the invoiced customer's unapplied  payments and credits is controlled by
the National Account Credits field. If you type Yes, then all credits in the
national account group, along with the national account payments, will be
applied first to the national account, then the invoiced customer's open
items, assuming at least one payment is applied.

Note: For customers that only have unapplied credits (without unapplied
payments and thus with no cross reference to an invoice or debit memo), you
can create credit applications in AR131 (Automatic Memo  Application). To
ensure that you process all credit memo cash applications, run AR131 after you
run AR130.

Note: If you selected Yes in the Currency Override field, in selecting items
for application all possible currency combinations will be attempted (base
currency to base currency; non-base currency to like non-base currency; base
currency to non-base currency; non-base currency to an unlike non-base
currency). If you selected No in the Currency Override field, in selecting
items for application only certain combinations will be attempted (base
currency to base currency; non-base currency to like non-base currency; base
currency to non-base currency).

Payment remittance records for balance forward customers can be interfaced or
entered online, however AR130 will only allow those remittance records to be
applied if the remittance override method is selected.

AR130 does not delete remittance records. Remittance records are deleted when
you run AR300 (Transaction Purge) to delete a payment.

Note: If you selected Yes in the Currency Override field, the payment currency
will be respected; open items will be translated into the payment of the

For transaction match processing, the matching process will attempt to select
the national account's open items first, then the invoiced customer's open
items. If the matching process crosses companies, the base currencies must be
the same for the open item to be selected.

AR130 creates a report of the automatic cash application by batch number and
by sequence number within each batch, and includes both batch and report

Note: In a rare situation AR130 may not perform a 3-way currency application.
If a full application would cause the original amount to remain open
(generally only by a cent or two, due to rounding differences) the application
will not be processed. This is not an error, this is an exception that will
not be processed. The AR130 prints a message informing you of this exception.

Updated Files

    ARADJUST   -




    ARDRAFTS   -

    AROITEMS   -

    AROPIVOT   -



    ARREASON   -


    ARUOIHDR   -

    CKPOINT    -

    CUSTDESC   -


Referenced Files


    ARCOMP     -



    AROIHDR    -

    AROPTR     -

    ARPREPAY   -


    ARRTM      -



    CUACCT     -

    CUCONV     -

    CURELAT    -


    GLCHART    -

    GLCODES    -

    GLSYSTEM   -

    NATACCT    -

INVOKED Programs
