AR13.1 - MICR Customer
Use AR13.1 (MICR Customer) to define and maintain customer MICR (Magnetic Ink
Character Recognition) account numbers. MICR numbers identify customers by
their bank and account number. You can use the relationships you defined on
this form for lock box processing and, optionally, during online cash entry to
automatically assign a payment to a customer. You can enter unassigned
payments during cash entry by entering the MICR number. If you defined a
customer-MICR relationship on this form, the system automatically defaults the
customer number on the payment. Otherwise, you can access this form or AR13.2
(Customer MICR) to assign a customer to the MICR number after cash entry. This
form or AR13.2 is required only if you use AR570 (Lock Box Interface) to load
payment information.
Updated Files
ARCUSTOMER - Validates customer number; updates customer balance, customer
high balance, period paid amount.
ARCUSTPER - Updates customer period paid amounts when a payment is
assigned via MICR number addition.
ARMICRCUST - Primary file maintained by program.
ARPAYMENT - Updates payment records that exist with entered bank number
and account number with entered customer.
CUSTDESC - Obtains customer description information; updates customer
description balance.
NATBALANCE - Updates national account balance.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates customer group.
GLADDRESS - Used as part of company validation.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart information.
GLSYSTEM - Use in validation of company.
NATACCT - Obtains national account information.
AR13.2 - Customer MICR
Use AR13.2 (Customer MICR) to define and maintain customer MICR (Magnetic Ink
Character Recognition) account numbers. MICR numbers identify customers by
their bank and account number. You can use the relationships you defined on
this form for lock box processing and, optionally, during online cash entry to
automatically assign a payment to a customer. You can enter unassigned
payments during cash entry by entering the MICR number. If you defined a
customer-MICR relationship on this form, the system automatically defaults the
customer number on the payment. Otherwise, you can access this form or AR13.1
(MICR Customer) to assign a customer to the MICR number after cash entry. This
form or AR13.1 is required only if you use AR570 (Lock Box Interface) to load
payment information.
Updated Files
ARCUSTOMER - Validates customer; updates customer balance, customer high
balance, and period paid.
ARCUSTPER - Updates customer period paid amounts when a payment is
assigned via the MICR number.
ARMICRCUST - Primary file maintained by program.
ARPAYMENT - Updates payment records that exist with entered bank number
and account number with entered customer.
CUSTDESC - Obtains customer description information; updates customer
description balance.
NATBALANCE - Updates national balance.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates customer group.
GLADDRESS - Used as part of company validation.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart information.
GLSYSTEM - Validates general ledger company information.
NATACCT - Obtains national account information.
INVOKED Programs