Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AR220 - Cash Batch Report

Run AR220 (Cash Batch Report) to list all or select cash batches for a
company. You can select a lock box, operator, currency, or batch status to
further define the listing. The listing includes information defined for the
cash batch in AR20 (Cash Batch), AR21 (Cash Entry) or AR30 (Cash Entry and
Application) and includes batch totals. The listing sorts and page breaks by
batch number. Payments within a batch are listed in entry order.

A "P" or "F" prints in the "Apl" column to indicate a partially or fully
applied payment, respectively. An asterisk (*) prints in "Rmt" column if a
remit sequence is associated with the payment.

Updated Files


    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    ARCOMP     - Validates company.

    ARDISTRIB  - Obtains distribution records for non-AR payment records.

    ARLOCKBOX  - Validates lock box.

    AROPTR     - Validates operator.

    ARPAYMENT  - Obtains payment information for printing.

    ARPYMNTHDR - Obtains batch header information for printing.

    ARREMIT    - Used to print remit record information.

    CUSTDESC   - Obtains customer name information for printing.

INVOKED Programs
