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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AR253 - Summary Aging Report

Run AR253 (Summary Aging Report) to create a summary aging for all customers
assigned to a company or, within a company, customers assigned to a specific
credit analyst or customer class. You can summarize transactions in total or
summarize transactions for a specific process level or range of sales
representatives. The report is created as of the date you select and prints
one line for each customer's transactions.

Note: Fully paid and fully applied transactions are not selected once they
have become historical unless you select Audit in the Audit/Period field.
Applications, transactions, and payments become historical once they have been
processed by AR199 (Period Closing Report) according to the value of the
History Update Periods field in AR01.1 (Company). For more information, see
the field help for History Update Periods on the Process tab in AR01.1.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    ARADJUST   - Used as part of open item application amount logic.

    ARAPPLIED  - Computes open amount of transaction.

    ARCOMP     - Accesses company information.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Validates part of company information.

    ARCUSTOMER - Accesses customer information.

    ARDISPUTE  - Access for dispute information.

    ARDRAFTS   - Accesses bill of exchange information.

    ARITEMAUD  - Used as part of transferred open item logic.

    AROIHDR    - Accesses open item header information.

    AROITEMS   - Accesses open item detail information.

    ARPAYMENT  - Accesses payment information.

    ARPROCLEVL - Validates and sorts transactions by process level.

    CRANALYST  - Validates and sorts transactions by credit analyst.

    CUSTDESC   - Obtains customer name.

    GLADDRESS  - Validates part of company information.

    GLCHART    - Validates general ledger company chart information.

    GLSYSTEM   - Validates part of company information.

    MAJCUSTCL  - Validates major class.

    MINCUSTCL  - Validates minor class.

    SALESREP   - Validates sales representative.

INVOKED Programs
