AR53.1 - Customer Application
Use AR53 (Customer Application) to display open and historical transactions
and corresponding applications for a customer. Transaction applications and
adjustments display in entry order.
Memo type chargeback debit memos display the original payment application and
adjustment amounts as an originating reference.
Updated Files
AR53WORK - Primary file created to sort and access records.
CKPOINT - Used for restart purposes.
Referenced Files
ARADJUST - Obtains adjustment information to display.
ARAPPLIED - Obtains application information to display.
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates part of company information.
ARCUSTOMER - Validates customer.
ARDRAFTS - Obtains bill of exchange information for display.
AROIHDR - Obtains invoice and debit memo header information used for
AROITEMS - Obtains invoice and debit memo information to display.
ARPAYMENT - Obtains payment information to display.
CUCONV - Used as part of currency validation.
CUSTDESC - Validates customer description.
GLSYSTEM - Used as part of general ledger account validation.
INVOKED Programs