AC127 - Budget Interface
**Form Purpose
Run Budget Interface (AC127) to import activity group budgets or activity and
account category budgets. You can define budget header and budget detail
records from interfaced non-Lawson budget records.
Using the Duplicates option, you can specify how to treat duplicate budgets:
ignore them, merge them, or replace them.
**More Information
Run AC27.1 (Budget Interface Adjustment) to adjust budgets you want to import
from your existing non-Lawson system to the Activity Management system.
Run AC227 (Budget Interface Listing) to list the budgets defined in AC27.1
(Budget Interface Adjustment) as budgets that will be imported to the LAWSON
INSIGHT Activity Management system when you run AC127 with Yes as the Update
option. Use No to report on budget import data only.
Updated Files
ACACTGRP - Updates the Total Budgeted field for activity within an
activity group.
ACACTIVITY - References this file to validate that the activity
relationship exists for the old activity on the budget you are
ACBUDDTL - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
Maintains annual budget and future years budget balances for
activity budgets.
ACBUDDTLX - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
Maintains period budget amounts for the activity budget.
ACBUDHDR - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
Maintains budget header information and total budget balance
for the activity budget.
ACBUDREL - References this file to validate that the budget relationship
exists for the old budget number on the budget you are
ACCONSOL - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
Maintains annual budget and future years' budget consolidation
balances for activity budgets.
ACCONSOLX - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
Maintains period budget consolidation balances for the activity
or activity group budget. Maintained by account category for
activity budgets.
ACCUAMT - This file is maintained by this program for budgets with a
non-base currency. Maintains annual budget and future years
budget balances for activity and
activity group budgets.
ACCUAMTX - This file is maintained by this program for budgets with a
non-base currency. Maintains period budget balances for the
activity or activity group budget. Maintained by account
category for activity budgets.
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
Referenced Files
ACACCTCAT - References this file to validate account categories.
ACACCTCATX - References this file to validate that the account category is
assigned to the activity group or activity.
ACACTGPREL - References this file to validate that the activity group
relationship exists for the old activity group on the budget
you are converting.
ACACTREL - References this file to validate that the account category
relationship exists for the old account category on the budget
you are converting.
ACLEVEL - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
ACMASTERX - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
ACSPREADX - References this file to retrieve spread code detail.
ACSTATUS - References this file to validate the activity is valid for
CUCONV - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
CURELAT - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
FBFACTOR - Reference this file to validate the factor code.
GLSYSTEM - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
INVOKED Programs