AC27.1 - Budget Interface Adjustment
**Form Purpose
Use Budget Interface Adjustment (AC27.1) to adjust budgets you want to import
from your existing non-Lawson system to the Activity Management system. AC127
(Budget Import) uses the data from this program during the import process.
Posting level budges stored in report currency one or report currency two
amounts, are rolled into the summary budget.
Updated Files
ACBUDREL - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
Maintains budget relationship header information, similar to
the budget header information.
Referenced Files
ACACCTCAT - References this file to validate the account category.
ACACCTCATX - References this file to validate that the account category is
assigned to the activity group or activity.
ACACTGPREL - References this file to validate the activity group
ACACTGRP - References this file to validate the activity group.
ACACTIVITY - References this file to validate the activity.
ACACTREL - References this file to validate the activity relationship.
ACBUDHDR - References this file to validate the budget header
ACLEVEL - References this file to validate that the activity is summary
or posting.
ACSPREADX - References this file to validate the spread code detail.
ACSTATUS - References this file to validate that the activity is in a
budget status.
FBFACTOR - Used to validate the existence of global factors.
INVOKED Programs