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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AC76.1 - Recurring Encumbrance Entry

**Form Purpose
Use Recurring Encumbrance Entry (AC76.1) to define journals, which hold the
criteria you want the application to use when identifying the commitments on
which the General Ledger encumbrance entries should be based. You must run
Recurring Encumbrance Journal (AC176) to create General Ledger encumbrance
transactions. Encumbrances transactions are based on the recurring encumbrance
entries you defined on Recurring Commitment Entry (AC76.1) and the current
activity commitment transactions.

**More Information
The Source Account fields in the Recurring Commitment Entry header should
correspond to an account or a range of accounts associated with the commitment
detail records in the ACCOMMITX (Activity Commitments Detail) file that you
want to create journal entries for. The accounts in the ACCOMMITX file records
are the actual accounts (usually expense) from the original transaction that
produced the commitment. The accounts in the detail section are the commitment
accounts that are used in the journal entries created when AC176 is run.

The Company field in the Source Account fields must contain a valid company
value. The Accounting Unit and Subaccount fields can contain specific values
or they can be left blank to represent all accounting units or all
subaccounts. The Account field can contain a specific value, can be left blank
to represent all accounts, or can contain a combination of fixed digits and
wildcard characters (#) to indicate a range. For example, you can type 5#####
to represent all six-digit accounts that begin with a 5. You cannot type a
fixed digit in the Account field after a wildcard character. For example,
5#2### is not valid, but 52### is valid.

Updated Files

    ACCOMTMP   -


    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files


    GLCHART    -

    GLSYSTEM   -

INVOKED Programs
