AM06.1 - Type
**Form Purpose
Use Type (AM06.1) to define an asset type. Use asset types to group assets
that have similar characteristics (for example, BUILDING or EQUIPEMENT) and
associate them with a property classification (personal, real estate, land,
stocks, and so on), and with asset posting accounts. You must define at least
one asset type for each company that processes assets. You can also use AM06.1
to further define a type into subtypes.
You can define an asset type that allows depreciation expense to be allocated
to multiple accounting units. Choose the Star button next to the Depreciation
Expense fields to open Depreciation Allocation (AM06.6). Use this form to
define depreciation expense allocations.
**Process at a Glance
1. Define at least one depreciation book.
2. Define a depreciation calendar for the current year (AM01.1).
3. (This step) Define an asset type (AM06.1)
4. Define an account group (AM05.1)
5. Define an accounting unit group (AM09.1)
**Processing Effect
If you want to define a subtype for an asset type, you must first define the
type alone (without a subtype).
**More Information
Types are part of the Asset Management reporting structure. Take your
reporting needs into consideration when you define types.
If you use asset-class depreciation, proper implementation of types is
critical to avoid over-depreciation. There must be a strict one-on-one
correlation between a type and the set of General Ledger accounts used by an
asset class that you must track on its own. For instance, you should not set
up class-depreciated assets that use the same asset account (that is, company,
accounting unit, account) but have different accounts for depreciation expense
and accumulated depreciation.
Choose the Product Category button to open Product Category (AM06.3). Use
this form to define global manufacturer and product data. This data is used by
Product Category Workbook (AM206) to create a listing of scannable product
category bar codes. You can scan this information when adding an asset with
the use of a handheld terminal.
Choose the Star button to open Depreciation Allocation (AM06.6). Use this
form to allocate depreciation expense associated with a type to multiple
accounting units. To use this feature, you must select Y (Yes) in the Allocate
field, and the Allocate Depreciation Expense flag must be set to Y (Yes) on
System Options (AM16.1).
Choose the Multiple Entry button to access Types (AM06.2) and define multiple
types on a single form.
To generate a listing of your asset type definitions, run Company Setup
Listings (AM205).
Updated Files
AMACCOUNT - Detail File. Used to store the type and subtype records and
the associated AST, ACM, EXP accounts.
AMASTTYPE - Header file. Stores the Type and Subtype records with the type
of property.
AMAUGROUP - Used to retrieve and validate account unit groups.
AMCONTROL - Updated when adding or changing account groups. A record is
added to the AMCONTROL file for each company used in the AM
Referenced Files
AMASSET - Used to retrieve an asset and validate that an asset exists.
GLADDRESS - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.
GLCHART - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.
GLSYSTEM - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.
AM06.2 - Types
**Form Purpose
Use Types (AM06.2) to define multiple asset types. Use asset types to group
assets that have similar characteristics (for example, BUILDING or EQUIPEMENT)
and associate them with a property classification (personal, real estate,
land, stocks, and so on), and with asset posting accounts. You must define at
least one asset type for each company that processes assets. You can also use
AM06.2 to further define a type into subtypes.
**Process at a Glance
1. Define at least one depreciation book.
2. (This step) Define a depreciation calendar for the current year (AM01.1).
3. Define an asset type (AM06.1)
a. (Optional - this step) Define a subtype (AM06.2)
4. Define an account group (AM05.1)
5. Define an accounting unit group (AM09.1)
**Processing Effect
Before you can define a subtype for an asset type, you must define the type
alone (without a subtype).
Types are part of the Asset Management reporting structure. Take your
reporting needs into consideration when you define types.
If you use asset-class depreciation, proper implementation of types is
critical to avoid over-depreciation. There must be a strict one-on-one
correlation between a type and the set of General Ledger accounts used by an
asset class that you must track on its own. For instance, you should not set
up class-depreciated assets that use the same asset account (that is, company,
accounting unit, account) but have different accounts for depreciation expense
and accumulated depreciation.
Choose the Product Category button to open Product Category (AM06.3). Use
this form to define global manufacturer and product data. This data is used by
Product Category Workbook (AM206) to create a listing of scannable product
category bar codes. You can scan this information when adding an asset with
the use of a handheld terminal.
Choose the Star button to open Depreciation Allocation (AM06.6). Use this
form to allocate depreciation expense associated with a type to multiple
accounting units. To use this feature, you must select Y (Yes) in the Allocate
field, and the Allocate Depreciation Expense flag must be set to Y (Yes) on
System Options (AM16.1).
**More Information
You can also associate a user analysis value and an activity to a type.
To generate a listing of your asset type definitions, run Company Setup
Listings (AM205).
Updated Files
AMACCOUNT - Detail file. Used to store the type and subtype records and
the associated AST, ACM, EXP accounts.
AMASTTYPE - Header file. Stores the Type and Subtype records with the type
of property.
AMAUGROUP - Used to retrieve and validate account unit groups.
AMCONTROL - Updated when adding or changing account groups. A record is
added to the AMCONTROL file for each company used in the AM
Referenced Files
AMASSET - Used to retrieve an asset and validate that an asset exists.
GLADDRESS - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.
GLCHART - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.
GLSYSTEM - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.
AM06.3 - Product Category
**Form Purpose
Use Product Category (AM06.3) to define global manufacturer and product data.
This data is used by Product Category Workbook (AM206) to create a listing of
scannable product category bar codes. You can scan this information when
adding an asset with the use of a handheld terminal.
Each manufacturer ID and manufacturer name combination must be unique and is
assigned a unique bar code that represents the whole line of data when you run
Product Category Workbook (AM206).
Updated Files
Referenced Files
AM06.4 - Asset Class Depreciation Rates
**Form Purpose
Use Asset Class Depreciation Rates (AM06.4) to define the depreciation rates
associated with specific asset classes, as dictated by each local Public
Utility Commission (PUC).
**More Information
Each asset class, sub-class, or jurisdiction must map to a unique asset
account, to which a specific rate and depreciation calculation can be applied
and to unique depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation accounts where
the depreciation is stored. In addition, you may need to track each asset
class, sub-classification, or jurisdiction separately as well as in groupings.
Depending on your needs, you can define asset class depreciation rates as
- On this form, you can define rates at the type or type and subtype level.
With this method, you define an asset class as a type, and any
sub-classifications as a subtype. You can define a separate rate for each
sub-class or jurisdiction and each type and subtype combination must be
defined with a unique asset, accumulated depreciation, and depreciation
expense account. You can report on each type subtype separately, or group the
report by type. If you have many sub-classes and jurisdictions, this strategy
can be quite cumbersome to set up.
- Another strategy is to use a single asset type, and therefore a single set
of asset and depreciation accounts across a company (possibly, across several
companies), and define a unique depreciation rate for each accounting unit.
This strategy requires you to set up an accounting unit for each jurisdiction
or sub-class you want to track, but it is still less cumbersome to implement
than the subtype method, and gives you more flexibility in terms of reporting,
since you can create accounting unit groups and accounting unit lists to
report on.
To define depreciation rates at the accounting unit level, choose the Detail
button to open Asset Class Depreciation Rate Detail (AM06.5).
Note You can combine both strategies. You can, for example, group all
switch-type equipment under one asset type, using subtypes to differentiate
between the various classes of switches, and use accounting units to reflect
the rate variations depending on jurisdictions.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
AM06.5 - Asset Class Depreciation Rate Detail
**Form Purpose
Use Asset Class Depreciation Rate Detail (AM06.5) to define asset class
depreciation rates by accounting units. This form lets you use a single asset
type (an therefore a single set of asset and depreciation accounts) across a
company, and define a unique depreciation rate for each accounting unit. You
can use this form as an extension of or in place of the functionality offered
by Asset Class Depreciation Rates (AM06.4), which lets you define a
depreciation rate for a type and subtype.
**More Information
Each asset class, sub-class, or jurisdiction must map to a unique asset
account to which a specific rate and depreciation calculations can be applied
and to unique depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation accounts where
the depreciation is stored. In addition, you may need to track each asset
class, sub-classification, or jurisdiction separately as well as in groupings.
Depending on your needs, you can define asset class depreciation rates as
- You can use Asset Class Depreciation Rates (AM06.4) to define rates at the
type or type and subtype level. With this method, you define an asset class as
a type, and any sub-classifications as a subtype. You can define a separate
rate for each sub-classification and each type and subtype combination must be
defined with a unique asset, accumulated depreciation, and depreciation
expense account. You can report on each type subtype separately, or group the
report by type. If you have many sub-classifications, this strategy can be
quite cumbersome to set up.
- You can use this form, Asset Class Depreciation Rate Detail (AM06.5), to
apply a single asset type, and therefore a single set of asset and
depreciation accounts across a company (possibly, across several companies),
and define a unique depreciation rate for each accounting unit. This strategy
requires you to set up an accounting unit for each jurisdiction or sub-class
you want to track, but it is still less cumbersome to implement than the
subtype method, and gives you more flexibility in terms of reporting, since
you can create accounting unit groups and accounting unit lists to report on.
Note You can combine both strategies. You can, for example, group all
switch-type equipment under one asset type, using subtypes to differentiate
between the various classes of switches, and use accounting units to reflect
the rate variations depending on jurisdictions.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
AM06.6 - Depreciation Allocation
**Form Purpose
Use Depreciation Allocation (AM06.6) to allocate an asset type's depreciation
expense to multiple accounting units by percentage.
**Processing Effect
If you define an asset that uses a type that has allocations defined, the
depreciation expense is distributed among the various accounting units on this
form when you run Depreciation Calculation and Listing (AM180) and Period
Closing (AM190). Each accounting unit will be allocated the percentage of
depreciation you define on this form.
**More Information
Any asset that uses this depreciation allocation must be defined with a
depreciation expense accounting unit that is included in this depreciation
allocation. If the depreciation expense accounting unit is defined on the
accounting unit group used by the asset, the depreciation allocation must
include that accounting unit. If no depreciation expense accounting unit is
identified on the accounting unit group, or if the asset does not use an
accounting unit group, the default accounting unit used for the asset must be
included in this depreciation allocation.
You can change the allocation. Allocation changes affect only transactions
created after the change.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
INVOKED Programs