Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AR14.1 - Lock Box

**Form Purpose
Use Lock Box (AR14.1) to define and maintain lock box codes. A unique lock
box number identifies the name, address, and processing information for a lock
box location.

**More Information
You can assign a lock box code to a customer default code in AR08.1 (Customer
Defaults) or a customer in the Defaults One form tab in AR10.1 (Customer) to
use the lock box address as the remit-to address on statements, request for
payment notices, and past due notices. Lock box codes are also used in AR570
(Lock Box Interface) and AR580 (Payment Interface). You can assign a lock box
code during cash entry to default a process level and cash code.

Before you define a lock box code on this form, the cash code must be defined
in the Lawson Cash Ledger system.

Updated Files

    ARLOCKBOX  - Primary file updated by program.

    CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code.

    CBCPYCASH  - Updates a used flag.

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart purposes.

    JBOOKHDR   - Used in journal book processing.

Referenced Files

    ARCOMP     - Validates company.

    ARPROCLEVL - Validates process level.

    CBUSER     -


    GLSYSTEM   - Used as part of general ledger account validation.


    JBKOPCODE  - Used in journal book processing.

    JBKSYSCODE - Used in journal book processing.

INVOKED Programs
