AR150 - Statement Print
**Form Purpose
Run Statement Print (AR150) to create statements of account for customers
using the statement options defined for each customer in AR10 (Customer). The
statement cycle code assigned to the customer determines whether AR150 creates
an open item or balance forward statement.
Updated Files
ARADJUST - Accesses adjustment information.
ARCUSTOMER - Updates last statement balance in base currency and last
statement date.
AROITEMS - Updates last statement date.
ARPAYMENT - Updates last statement date.
BALFWDTOT - Creates/updates customer balance by currency code for balance
forward customers.
CKPOINT - The environment file used for recovery.
Referenced Files
ARAPPLIED - Accesses application information.
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates part of company information.
ARCYCLE - Validates and selects customers by cycle code.
ARDRAFTS - Accesses bill of exchange information.
ARITEMAUD - Accessed for open item transfer logic.
ARLOCKBOX - Accesses lock box information.
AROIHDR - Accesses open item records.
ARPROCLEVL - Validates and selects transactions by process level.
ARPYMNTHDR - Accesses payment records.
ARRTM - Use to obtain return to maker information to RTM debit memos.
CUCONV - Used as part of currency validation.
CUSTDESC - Access for customer group information.
GLSYSTEM - Used as part of general ledger account validation.
MAJCUSTCL - Validates and selects customers by major class.
MINCUSTCL - Validates and selects customers by minor class.
NATACCT - Access for national account relationships.
INVOKED Programs