CB00.1 - Bank
**Form Purpose
Use Bank (CB00.1) to define bank locations where you have one or more bank
accounts. Define a bank record for each bank you plan to use in the Lawson
Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Cash Ledger systems.
**More Information
If you use the Lawson Accounts Receivable system and you perform bank risk
processing, choose the Credit button to open the Credit Risk subform. Use the
subform to define credit lines used to remit bills of exchange at a discount.
After you define banks, use CB00.2 (Cash Code) to define the bank accounts
you have at each bank.
Updated Files
CBBANKENT - Creates bank records.
Referenced Files
CB00.2 - Cash Code
**Form Purpose
Use Cash Code (CB00.2) to define cash codes for each bank you define in
CB00.1 (Bank). A cash code represents a bank account at a financial
institution. Each bank and bank account number combination must be unique.
Define cash codes for each bank account you plan to use in the Lawson Accounts
Payable and Accounts Receivable systems and to reconcile bank transactions in
the Lawson Cash Ledger system.
Use CB00.2 also to specify the bank reconciliation options to be used for
this cash code. If you choose the reconciliation statement option, use the
single statement flag to specify whether the system is to automatically update
the statement number and opening balance for each new statement. If you do
not select the single statement option, you can still create bank
reconciliation statements, but you have to enter the statement number and
opening balance manually for each new statement.
**More Information
To define optional security for a cash code, choose the Security button to
open the Cash Code Security subform. Use the subform to assign a user class to
a cash code. If assigned, only users assigned to the user class can display or
maintain information for the cash code throughout the Lawson Cash Ledger
system. Use CB04.1 (Cash Ledger User Class) to define user classes.
After you define cash codes, use CB00.3 (Company-Cash Code Relationships) to
define relationships between cash codes and general ledger companies.
Updated Files
CBBANKENT - Validates bank code and updates used flag.
CBCASHCODE - Creates cash code records.
CBCASHFORM - Deletes cash form records related to cash code.
CBCPYCASH - Deletes company-cash code records related to cash code.
Referenced Files
CB00.3 - Company - Cash Code Relationships
**Form Purpose
Use Company - Cash Code Relationships (CB00.3) to define relationships
between general ledger companies and cash codes. You must define a
relationship between a company and a cash code for the company to be able to
process transactions using a specific bank account.
**More Information
When you define a company-cash code relationship, you assign a general ledger
cash account. You can also define optional reconciliation tolerances and
select an optional variance account, reconciliation account, and bill of
exchange processing accounts.
Reconciliation tolerances define the difference that can exist between the
reconciled amount and the issued amount of a transaction without needing
approval. If a difference exists within the defined tolerances, the
transaction will be reconciled without approval with the difference posted to
the variance account selected. If a difference exists beyond the defined
tolerances, you must approve the difference before the transaction will be
reconciled. If you do not define reconciliation tolerances, the transaction
amount must equal the issued amount.
If you want to create a general ledger entry from the selected cash account
to a reconciliation account when a transaction is reconciled, select Yes in
the Reconcile Entry field and select a reconciliation account. If you select
No, only reconciliation variance entries, if applicable, will be created upon
If the company uses the bank account to process bill of exchange
transactions, choose the BOE Accounts button to open the Bill of Exchange
Payment Accounts subform. Use the subform to select general ledger accounts
used for bill of exchange processing.
If the company uses journal books to group general ledger transactions,
choose the Journal Book button to open the Cash Code Journal Book subform. Use
the subform to select default journal books for each transaction code.
After you define company-cash code relationships, use CB00.4 (Bank
Transaction Definition) to define the payment and bank service transactions
you plan to use in the Lawson Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Cash
Ledger systems.
Updated Files
CBBANKENT - Validates bank and updates used flag.
CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.
CBCPYCASH - Creates company-cash code relationship records.
Referenced Files
CBUSER - Validates user can access cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validates all valid users for cash code.
GLADDRESS - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
GLCHART - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
GLSYSTEM - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
CB00.4 - Bank Transaction Definition
**Form Purpose
Use Bank Transaction Definition (CB00.4) to define transaction codes. A
transaction code represents a type of payment, such as a check or bill of
exchange, or a bank service, such as a deposit or service charge. Define
transaction codes for each type of payment and bank service you plan to use in
the Lawson Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Cash Ledger systems.
**More Information
To define transaction codes for the cash payment documents and payment tapes
you use in the Lawson Accounts Payable system, choose the Cash Payment button
to open the Cash Payments subform. The Output Option you select determines
whether the cash payments are manually created (no output), printed documents,
or tape records.
To define transaction codes for the bill of exchange payment instruments you
use in the Lawson Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable systems, choose the
BOE Payment button to open the BOE Payments subform. The Transaction Origin
you select determines who creates the bills of exchange. The Output Option you
select determines whether bill of exchange payments are manually created,
printed documents, or tape records.
To define transaction codes for the banking transactions that debit or credit
your bank accounts, choose the Bank Service button to open the Bank Services
subform. You use bank service transaction codes in the Lawson Accounts
Receivable and Cash Ledger systems.
After you define transaction codes, use CB00.5 (Cash Payment Formats) to
define the format of each cash payment transaction code and CB01.2 (Bill of
Exchange Formats) to define the format of each bill of exchange payment
transaction code you define.
Updated Files
CBBANKINST - Creates bank transaction code records.
Referenced Files
CB00.5 - Cash Payment Formats
**Form Purpose
Use Cash Payment Formats (CB00.5) to define the format of cash payments you
create in the Lawson Accounts Payable system. A cash payment format represents
a printed payment form or type of payment tape.
**More Information
Define a cash payment format for each cash code (which represents a bank
account) that will use the cash payment transaction codes (which represent
types of payments) you defined in AP00.4 (Bank Transaction Definition).
If you are defining a payment format for an ACH, BACS, or ETEBAC tape, select
a bank service transaction code used to create a bank transaction adjustment
when the bank rejects a payment tape record. The code you select defaults
when you mark a payment tape record as rejected in CB80.1 (Bank Transaction
Updated Files
CBBANKENT - Validates bank and updates used flag.
CBBANKINST - Validates bank transaction code and updates used flag.
CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.
CBCASHFORM - Creates cash payment format records.
Referenced Files
CBUSER - Validates user can access cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validates all valid users for cash code.
CB00.7 - Cash Payments
**Form Purpose
Use Cash Payments (CB00.7) to define transaction codes for the cash payment
documents and payment tapes you use in the Lawson Accounts Payable system.
**Processing Effect
The Output Option you select determines whether the cash payments are
manually created (no output), printed documents created in AP155 (Payment
Forms Creation) or AP157 (Laser Payment Forms), tape records created in AP160
(Payment Tape Creation), or an electronic file created in AP161 (Electronic
Payment Creation).
Updated Files
Referenced Files
INVOKED Programs