CU02.1 - Currency Relationship
**Form Purpose
Use Currency Relationship (CU02.1) to define and maintain a relationship
between two currency codes in a currency table.
**More Information
To define more than one currency relationship at the same time, choose the
Multiple Entry button to open the CU02.2 (Relationship Summary).
Choose the Exch Rates button to open CU10.1 (Exchange Rates). Use the form to
define exchange rates for currency relationships in the currency table.
Choose the Transl Rates button to open CU20.1 (Currency Table Translation
Rates). Use the form to define translation rates for currency relationships in
the currency table.
Updated Files
CURELAT - This file stores the Currency Relationship definition
maintained by this program.
Referenced Files
CUCODES - Used to validate the existence of currency codes.
CUCONV - Used to validate the existence of exchange rates.
CUTABLE - Used to validate the existence of the currency table.
CUTRANSL - Used to validate the existence of translation rates.
CU02.2 - Relationship Summary
**Form Purpose
Use Relationship Summary (CU02.2) to define and maintain relationships
between currency codes in a currency table.
Updated Files
CURELAT - This file stores the currency relationship definition
maintained by this program.
Referenced Files
CUCODES - Used to validate the existence of currency codes.
CUCONV - Used to validate the existence of exchange rates.
CUTABLE - Used to validate the existence of the currency table.
CUTRANSL - Used to validate the existence of translation rates.