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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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                              CUCODES FILE

                             Currency Codes

This file contains information about currency codes.  CU01.1 (Currency Codes)
is the only program that updates this file; all codes are added, changed, or
deleted in CU01.1 (Currency Codes). A currency code must be defined in this
file to be used in the Currency system.


AC121     AC123     AC130     AC191     AC20.1    AC20.2
AC20.3    AC20.4    AC20.5    AC256     AC32.1    AC490
AC550     AP251     AR20.1    AR251     AR293     BN230
BN320     FB11.1    FB141     FB211     FB296     FB45.1
FB95.1    FB95.2    FB95.3    FB95.4    FB95.5    FB95.6
GL110     GL122     GL135     GL167     GL190     GL191
GL195     GL196     GL199     GL255     GL256     GL292
GL293     GL294     GL296     GL298     GL330     GL40.2
GL45.1    GL50.4    GL500     GL55.1    GL90.3    GL94.1
GL94.2    GL94.3    GL94.4    GL94.5    GL94.6    GL94.7
GL95.1    GL95.2    GL95.3    GL95.4    GL95.5    GL95.6
GL95.7    GL95.8    GL95.9    GL96.1    GL96.2    GL96.3
GL96.4    GL96.5    GL97.1    GL97.2    GL97.3    GL97.4
GL97.5    GL97.6    GL97.7    GL97.8    GL97.9    GL98.1
GL98.2    GL98.3    GL98.4    GL98.5    GL99.1    GL99.2
GL99.3    GL99.4    GL99.5    GL99.6    RW00.1    RW100
RW20.1    RW20.2    RW50.1    RW70.1    HCUC.1    HR00.1
HR01.1    HR06.1    HR11.1    HR11.2    HR15.1    HR15.2
HR200     HR201     HR211     HR30.1    HR511     HR515
HR521     HR54.1    IC222     CU02.1    CU02.2    CU10.1
CU160     CU161     CU20.1    CU20.2    CU20.3    CU20.4
CU201     CU202     CU203     CU210     CU220     CU261
CU60.1    CU61.1    CU61.2    GL10.1    GL121     GL124
GL20.2    GL20.4    IFAC.1    IFCU.1    MA530     HS50.3
HS50.4    PA02.1    PA100     PA102     PA115     PA120
PA13.1    PA13.2    PA16.1    PA19.1    PA202     PA22.1
PA231     PA233     PA248     PA259     PA290     PA295
PA31.1    PA311     PA33.1    PA36.1    PA360     PA370
PA42.1    PA44.1    PA45.1    PA48.1    PA502     PA513
PA52.5    PA54.1    PA59.1    PA90.3    PA95.1    TR00.1
PBIP.1    PO150     PO25.1    PO25.2    PO27.2    PR110
PR116     PR16.1    PR197     PR20.4    PR24.1    PR70.1


CU01.1    CU01.2


CUC-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     CU01.1  CU01.2
Currency Code        This is the code identifying a specific

CUC-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      CU01.1  CU01.2
Currency Code        This is the currency code description.      RW100

CUC-FORMS-EXP        Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      CU01.1  CU01.2
Forms Expression     This field defines the type of currency
                     used by a country. Form expression is an
                     additional description of the currency
                     code. If you leave this field blank, the
                     value in the Currency Code field

CUC-NBR-DECIMALS     Numeric 1                                   CU01.1  CU01.2
Number of Decimals   This field determines the number of
                     decimals used by the conversion programs
                     to calculate rounded or decimal amounts.

                     Use 0 if the amount is a whole value.
                     Use 2 for the normal two-decimal

                     0 = No Decimals
                     2 = Two Decimals

CUC-ISO-CODE         Alpha 3                                     CU01.1  CU01.2
ISO Code             This is the ISO code for the country of
                     origin of the currency.

CUC-ISO-CTRY-NBR     Numeric 3                                   CU01.1  CU01.2
Iso Ctry Nbr         The ISO country number.

                         CUCODES FILE INDEX


CUCSET1   CURRENCY-CODE This path is used to retrieve the        AC121   AC123
                        currency codes in alphabetic order.      AC130   AC191
                                                                 AC20.1  AC20.2
                                                                 AC20.3  AC20.4
                                                                 AC20.5  AC256
                                                                 AC32.1  AC490
                                                                 AC550   AP251
                                                                 AR20.1  AR251
                                                                 AR293   BN230
                                                                 BN320   FB11.1
                                                                 FB141   FB211
                                                                 FB296   FB45.1
                                                                 FB95.1  FB95.2
                                                                 FB95.3  FB95.4
                                                                 FB95.5  FB95.6