GL167 - Balance Interface
**Form Purpose
Run Balance Interface (GL167) to load the balance interface file for use in
the Lawson system.
**Processing Effect
During the conversion process, all records are edited for errors. When a
record is moved from the General Ledger Balance Interface (GLMASTREL) file to
the General Ledger Amounts (GLAMOUNTS) file, the interface file is deleted,
unless errors are found. Non-base currency balances of all types
(transaction, amount, report currency 1 or report currency 2) are moved to the
Once the program is run successfully in update mode, all periods, up to (but
not including) the last period, that contain account balance amounts, will be
changed to a Limited Closed status.
Use GL67.1 to correct errors and rerun this program.
**More Information
Run GL267 (Balance Interface Listing) to list data in the General Ledger
Balance Interface file before running GL167.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
CUAMOUNT - Updates currency account balances.
CUAMOUNTX - Updated daily report currency account balances.
GLAMOUNTS - This file is updated with posting account period balances.
GLAMOUNTSX - The General Ledger Amounts-Daily file contains daily account
balances by accounting unit, account, and subaccount for the
date specified.
GLCODES - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCONSOL - This file is updated with consolidation account balances.
GLCONTROL - This file is updated with a journal entry to support account
GLMASTER - This file is used to validate a posting account. This file is
updated if dynamic account generation is used.
GLMASTREL - This file supplies the program with posting account balances.
Records will be deleted from this file when they are converted.
GLSRCCODE - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLSYSTEM - This file is updated with the period close flags.
GLTRANS - This file is updated with posting account transactions to
support converted account balances.
GLUNITS - This file is updated with posting account unit balances.
GLUNITSX - The General Ledger Units - Daily file contains debit and
credit unit balance information by accounting unit, account,
and subaccount for the date specified.
ULPOST - This file stores the last posting date and time.
Referenced Files
CUCODES - Used to validate a currency code.
GLACCTREL - Used to validate account relationships.
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHART - Used to validate the chart name and determine the
undistributed retained earnings account.
GLCHARTDTL - Used to validate detail accounts.
GLCOMPREL - Used to validate organization relationships.
GLNAMES - Used to validate accounting units.
GLZONE - Used to validate zones.
INVOKED Programs