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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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GL67.1 - Balance Interface Maintenance

**Form Purpose
Use Balance Interface Maintenance (GL67.1) to view and maintain period balance
information you are converting from a non-Lawson environment (a spreadsheet
for example) to the Lawson General Ledger system. This form is used to verify
your information transferred to the Lawson system correctly.

**More Information
To transfer the non-Lawson file to the target machine, use a transfer utility
program (such as the winptxfr or ftp command). When you transfer the
non-Lawson file, you rename the file for use in the Lawson system. For
example, if you are transferring from Excel, use:

winptxfr -u filename c:\\Data\\Excel\\excelfilename

where filename represents the Lawson file.

To view the information in this form, use an Import command, such as (import
productline GLMASTREL filename) to load the period balance file into the
GLMASTREL (General Ledger Balance Interface) file, where the filename is the
name you assigned when you transferred the file to the Lawson system.

After you run the Import command, use the Next or Previous form actions to
view your data.

You must associate the information in this form with an Organization and
Account Code. The organization code identifies the Lawson company and
accounting unit where the converted information is stored. The account code
identifies the Lawson account and subaccount where converted information is
stored. Use GL08.1 (Organization Relationship) to define the organization code
and GL09.1 (Account Relationship) to define the account code.

Run GL167 (Balance Interface) to load the period balance information from this
form into the GLAMOUNTS (General Ledger Amounts-Period) and the GLCONSOL
(General Ledger Consolidation) files. GL167 closes all periods that have
balance amounts, up to (but not including) the last period, to be changed to a
Limited Closed status.

Run GL267 (Balance Interface Listing) to list data in the General Ledger
Balance Interface file before running GL167.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart capability.

    GLMASTREL  - This file is updated with conversion posting account balances
                 maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    GLACCTREL  - Used to validate account relationship.

    GLADDRESS  - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.

    GLCHART    - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.

    GLCOMPREL  - Used to validate organization relationships.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate companies.

INVOKED Programs
