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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                             GLCONTROL FILE

                         General Ledger Control

This file contains journal entry control information. This information is
used to process the journal entry detail records.


CA15.1    CA15.2    CA190     GL240     GL241     GL245
GL247     GL256     GL270     GL284     GL285     GL286
GL287     GL288     GL289     GL290     GL297     GL90.1
GL90.2    GLCC.1    JB240     GL10.1    IFJR.1    GL12.1


GL110     GL145     GL146     GL167     GL170     GL190
GL191     GL196     GL197     GL199     GL300     GL40.1
GL40.2    GL40.3    GL40.6    GL40.7    GL40.8    GL41.4
GL44.1    GL45.1    GL500     GL75.1    IFGT.1


GLC-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   GL110   GL167
Company              The company number represents an            GL191   GL196
                     established company and is entered on       GL197   GL199
                     all function codes.                         GL40.2  GL40.6
                                                                 GL41.4  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   GLCC.1

GLC-FISCAL-YEAR      Numeric 4                                   GL167   GL191
Fiscal Year          This is the current fiscal year.  This      GL196   GL197
                     field is updated by Period Closing          GL199   GL40.2
                     (GL199).                                    GL40.6  GL41.4
                                                                 GL45.1  GL500
                                                                 GLCC.1  IFGT.1

GLC-ACCT-PERIOD      Numeric 2                                   GL167   GL191
Account Period       The accounting period assigned to the       GL196   GL197
                     journal entry.                              GL199   GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.6  GL41.4
                                                                 GL45.1  GL500
                                                                 GLCC.1  IFGT.1

GLC-SYSTEM           Alpha 2                                     GL167   GL191
System               This is the journal entry system code.      GL196   GL197
                                                                 GL199   GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.6  GL41.4
                                                                 GL45.1  GL500
                                                                 GLCC.1  IFGT.1

GLC-JE-TYPE          Alpha 1                                     GL167   GL191
Journal Entry Type   Displays the type of journal entry          GL196   GL197
                     created.                                    GL199   GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.6  GL41.4
                     N = Normal                                  GL45.1  GL500
                     I = Intercompany                            GLCC.1  IFGT.1
                     A = Auto Rev Normal
                     R = Auto Rev Intco

GLC-JE-TYPE-1        Derived
Journal Entry Type   Displays the derived journal entry

GLC-CONTROL-GROUP    Numeric 8                                   GL167   GL191
Control Group        This field displays the journal entry       GL196   GL197
                     number used for process control of the      GL199   GL40.2
                     journal entry detail.                       GL40.6  GL41.4
                                                                 GL45.1  GL500
                                                                 GLCC.1  IFGT.1

GLC-JE-SEQUENCE      Numeric 2                                   GL146   GL167
Journal Entry        The unique journal entry sequence           GL190   GL191
Sequence             number.                                     GL196   GL197
                                                                 GL199   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.6  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL41.4
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   GLCC.1

GLC-STATUS           Numeric 1                                   GL146   GL167
Status               This field contains the processing          GL190   GL191
                     cycle status of the assigned journal        GL196   GL197
                     entry.                                      GL199   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                     0 = Unreleased                              GL40.6  GL40.7
                     1 = Released                                GL40.8  GL44.1
                     2 = Post In Progress                        GL45.1  GL500
                     3 = Load In Process                         IFGT.1
                     4 = Quick Posted
                     5 = Posted
                     9 = History

GLC-STATUS-1         Derived
Status               This field displays the journal entry

GLC-CNTRL-AMOUNT     Signed 15.2                                 GL146   GL190
Control Amount       Displays the total journal entry            GL197   GL40.1
                     amount.                                     GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1

GLC-ENTRY-DB         Signed 15.2                                 GL146   GL167
Entry Debit          Displays the total debit amount for the     GL190   GL191
                     journal entry.                              GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-ENTRY-CR         Signed 15.2                                 GL146   GL167
Entry Credit         Displays the total credit amount for        GL190   GL191
                     the journal entry.                          GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-TRAN-ND          Numeric 1                                   GL167   GL191
Trans Number of      The number of decimal positions defined     GL196   GL197
Decimals             for the transaction currency.               GL199   GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.5  GL41.3
                                                                 GL45.1  GL500

GLC-UNIT-CNTRL-DB    Signed 15.2                                 GL190   GL500
Unit Cntrl Db        The journal entry total for positive
                     detail unit balances.

GLC-UNIT-CNTRL-CR    Signed 15.2                                 GL190   GL500
Unit Cntrl Cr        The journal entry total for negative
                     detail unit balances.

GLC-UNIT-ENTRY-DB    Signed 15.2                                 GL146   GL167
Unit Entry Db        Displays the total debit units for the      GL190   GL191
                     journal entry.                              GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-UNIT-ENTRY-CR    Signed 15.2                                 GL146   GL167
Unit Entry Cr        Displays the total credit units for the     GL190   GL191
                     journal entry.                              GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-AUTO-UNIT-DB     Signed 15.2                                 GL146   GL190
Auto Unit Db         The total positive detail auto              GL191   GL197
                     reversing units amounts.                    GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-AUTO-UNIT-CR     Signed 15.2                                 GL146   GL190
Auto Unit Cr         The total negative detail auto              GL191   GL197
                     reversing unit amounts.                     GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-DATE             Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       GL167   GL191
Date                 This field displays the system date         GL196   GL197
                     when this was created.                      GL199   GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.6  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-LINE-NBR         Numeric 6                                   GL146   GL167
Line Number          This field contains the line number.        GL190   GL191
                                                                 GL196   GL197
                                                                 GL199   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-NBR-LINES        Numeric 6                                   GL146   GL167
Number of Lines      This is the number of detail lines.         GL190   GL191
                                                                 GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL500

GLC-OPERATOR         Alpha 10                                    GL146   GL167
Operator             This field is used to store the login       GL191   GL196
                     ID of the person who entered the record.    GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-REL-OPERATOR     Alpha 10                                    GL199   GL500
Release Operator     The operator ID assigned to the             IFGT.1
                     released journal entry.

GLC-RELEASED-FLAG    Alpha 1                                     GL190   GL199
Released Flag        This flag is set to Yes when a Journal      GL40.6  GL500
                     Entry is Released. If the Journal Entry     IFGT.1
                     is Unreleased this flag will not be
                     reset, instead it is an indicator that
                     the Journal Entry had been released at
                     one time.

                     Y = Yes
                     N = No
                     S = System Generated

GLC-HOLD-CODE        Alpha 4                                     GL145   GL146
Hold Code            The journal hold code.                      GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL500

GLC-PER-DATE-FLAG    Alpha 1                                     GL40.2  GL40.6
Period Date Flag     Indicates the period or date derived.       GL45.1  GL500
                     P = Period Derived                          IFGT.1
                     D = Date Derived

GLC-POSTING-DATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       GL146   GL167
Posting Date         The date assigned to the journal entry      GL191   GL196
                     for posting.                                GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-LAST-CMT-SEQ     Numeric 4                                   GL190   GL199
Last Comment         The sequence number of the last comment     GL500
Sequence Number      for the journal entry.

GLC-LAST-LOG-SEQ     Numeric 6                                   GL146   GL190
Last Logfile         The last sequence control number.           GL191   GL197
Sequence Number                                                  GL199   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.6  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL500

GLC-BASE-ZONE        Alpha 15                                    GL146   GL167
Base Zone            The base zone as assigned for interzone     GL191   GL196
                     balance processing.                         GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-BASE-DEBITS      Signed 15.2                                 GL146   GL167
Base Debits          The total positive detail amount in the     GL190   GL191
                     company base currency.                      GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-BASE-CREDITS     Signed 15.2                                 GL146   GL167
Base Credits         The total negative detail amount in the     GL190   GL191
                     company base currency.                      GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-BASE-AUTO-DB     Signed 15.2                                 GL146   GL190
Base Auto Debits     The total positive detail auto              GL191   GL197
                     reversing amount in the company base        GL40.1  GL40.2
                     currency.                                   GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-BASE-AUTO-CR     Signed 15.2                                 GL146   GL190
Base Auto Credits    The total negative detail auto              GL191   GL197
                     reversing amount in the company base        GL40.1  GL40.2
                     currency.                                   GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-BASE-ND          Numeric 1                                   GL167   GL191
Base Number of       The number of decimal positions defined     GL196   GL197
Decimals             for the company base currency.              GL199   GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.6  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     GL167   GL191
Currency Code        This field contains the company base        GL196   GL197
                     currency code established in Company        GL199   GL40.2
                     (GL10.1 ).                                  GL45.1  GL500

GLC-BASERATE         Signed 12.6                                 GL167   GL191
Base Rate            The exchange rate at the time the           GL196   GL197
                     journal entry was made.  If left blank,     GL199   GL40.2
                     the current exchange rate defaults.         GL40.6  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-NET-BASE-AMT     Derived
Net Base Amount      The net amount in the base currency.

Net Base Reversed    The net reversed in the base currency.

GLC-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      GL146   GL167
Description          The company name or description.            GL191   GL196
                                                                 GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-AUTO-REV         Alpha 1                                     GL146   GL197
Auto Reverse         Auto reversal is the process of             GL199   GL40.1
                     reversing the transaction. If you select    GL40.2  GL40.3
                     auto reverse, the Lawson General Ledger     GL40.7  GL40.8
                     closing program creates a reversing         GL44.1  GL45.1
                     journal entry in the next period for        GL500   IFGT.1
                     this transaction.

                     Y = Yes
                     N = No
                     " " = No

GLC-SOURCE-CODE      Alpha 2                                     GL146   GL196
Source Code          A two-character code assigned to a          GL197   GL199
                     transaction to identify where the           GL40.1  GL40.2
                     transaction was created.                    GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL500

GLC-REFERENCE        Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      GL146   GL167
Reference            The reference you enter for this            GL191   GL196
                     journal entry appears on inquiries and      GL197   GL199
                     reports.                                    GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-DOCUMENT-NBR     Alpha 27                                    GL146   GL197
Document Number      The document number assigned to the         GL199   GL40.1
                     journal entry. This is used in              GL40.2  GL40.3
                     conjunction with the Journal by Document    GL40.7  GL40.8
                     option in GL10 (Company).                   GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-EFFECT-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       GL197   GL199
Effective Date       The effective date.                         GL40.2  GL500

GLC-JRNL-BOOK-NBR    Alpha 12                                    GL146   GL190
Journal Book         The journal book assigned to the            GL197   GL199
                     transaction.                                GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-TRAN-DESC-DFLT   Alpha 1                                     GL146   GL197
Transaction          The transaction description default.        GL199   GL40.1
Description          Indicates if the new journal entry is a     GL40.2  GL40.3
                     journal entry header or prior               GL40.7  GL40.8
                     transaction line.                           GL44.1  GL45.1
                     J = Journal Entry
                     P = Prior Transaction Line

GLC-MX-VALUE         Alpha 32 Occurs 3 Times                     GL199   GL40.2
Matrix Value         The attribute value.                        GL500

GLC-MX-CATEGORY-1    Derived
Matrix Category      The attribute category associated with
                     the transaction.

GLC-MX-CATEGORY-2    Derived
Matrix Category      The attribute category associated with
                     the transaction.

GLC-MX-CATEGORY-3    Derived
Matrix Category      The attribute category associated with
                     the transaction.

GLC-MX-DESC-1        Derived
Description          The attribute category description.

GLC-MX-DESC-2        Derived
Description          The attribute category description.

GLC-MX-DESC-3        Derived
Description          The attribute category description.

GLC-CLOSE-SEQ        Numeric 2                                   GL146   GL191
Close Sequence       Contains the closing sequence number.       GL197   GL199
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.6
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL500   IFGT.1

GLC-ACT-POST-DATE    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       GL146   GL190
Act Post Date        Contains the posting date for activity      GL197   GL40.1
                     transactions.                               GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1

GLC-JBK-SEQ-NBR      Numeric 10                                  GL40.2  GL40.6
Journal Book         The journal book sequence number            IFGT.1
Sequence Number      assigned to a journal book transaction
                     when it is added or interfaced to the
                     Lawson system. Used only when  Auto
                     Journal Book Seq Nbr is set to Yes in
                     GL10.1 (Company).

GLC-JE-APPROVE-FLG   Alpha 1                                     GL146   GL170
Je Approve Flg       This indicates if the journal entry is      GL197   GL40.1
                     released.                                   GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL41.4  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL75.1

GLC-SEGMENT-BLOCK    Alpha 103                                   GL40.2
User Analysis        This field identifies the user analysis
                     values included in the transaction.

                     You can either type up to four values
                     or use Define (F6) to open the User
                     Analysis Entry subform. Use this subform
                     to select the user analysis values you
                     want to include in the transaction. If
                     you choose to type values, use commas to
                     separate them. For example:

                     There are three conditions that affect
                     how you can select user analysis values.
                     See the User Analysis Entry form help or
                     the Strategic Ledger procedures manual
                     for additional information.

Wf Je Ctrl Nbr       The workflow journal entry number.

GLC-AUTO-REV-PD      Numeric 2                                   GL146   GL197
Auto Rev Pd                                                      GL199   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1

                         GLCONTROL FILE INDEX


GLCSET1   COMPANY                                                CA15.1  CA15.2
          FISCAL-YEAR                                            CA190   GL110
          ACCT-PERIOD                                            GL146   GL167
          SYSTEM                                                 GL170   GL190
          JE-TYPE                                                GL191   GL196
          CONTROL-GROUP                                          GL197   GL199
          JE-SEQUENCE                                            GL240   GL241
                                                                 GL245   GL247
                                                                 GL256   GL270
                                                                 GL284   GL285
                                                                 GL286   GL287
                                                                 GL288   GL289
                                                                 GL290   GL297
                                                                 GL300   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3

GLCSET2   COMPANY       KeyChange                                GL110   GL146
          FISCAL-YEAR                                            GL199   GL240
          ACCT-PERIOD                                            GL45.1  GL500

GLCSET3   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset                        GL167
          SYSTEM        Where STATUS = 3

GLCSET4   COMPANY       Subset                                   GL240   GL40.1
          FISCAL-YEAR   Where STATUS = Zeroes                    GL40.2

GLCSET5   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset                        GL145   GL45.1
          HOLD-CODE     Where HOLD-CODE != Spaces                GL12.1  GL12.2

GLCSET6   COMPANY       KeyChange                                GL199

                         GLCONTROL FILE RELATIONS



Company        GLSYSTEM     Required

                            GLC-COMPANY          -> GLS-COMPANY

Cucontrol One  CUCONTROL    Not Required

                            GLC-COMPANY          -> CLC-COMPANY
                            GLC-FISCAL-YEAR      -> CLC-FISCAL-YEAR
                            GLC-ACCT-PERIOD      -> CLC-ACCT-PERIOD
                            GLC-SYSTEM           -> CLC-SYSTEM
                            GLC-JE-TYPE          -> CLC-JE-TYPE
                            GLC-CONTROL-GROUP    -> CLC-CONTROL-GROUP
                            GLC-JE-SEQUENCE      -> CLC-JE-SEQUENCE
                            1                    -> CLC-AMT-TYPE
                            GLS-CURR-CODE-1      -> CLC-CURRENCY-CODE

Cucontrol Two  CUCONTROL    Not Required

                            GLC-COMPANY          -> CLC-COMPANY
                            GLC-FISCAL-YEAR      -> CLC-FISCAL-YEAR
                            GLC-ACCT-PERIOD      -> CLC-ACCT-PERIOD
                            GLC-SYSTEM           -> CLC-SYSTEM
                            GLC-JE-TYPE          -> CLC-JE-TYPE
                            GLC-CONTROL-GROUP    -> CLC-CONTROL-GROUP
                            GLC-JE-SEQUENCE      -> CLC-JE-SEQUENCE
                            2                    -> CLC-AMT-TYPE
                            GLS-CURR-CODE-2      -> CLC-CURRENCY-CODE

Glholdcode     GLHOLDCODE   Not Required

                            GLC-HOLD-CODE        -> GLH-HOLD-CODE

Glsccat 1      GLSCCAT      Not Required

                            GLC-SOURCE-CODE      -> GSC-SOURCE-CODE
                            1                    -> GSC-SEQ-NBR

Glsccat 2      GLSCCAT      Not Required

                            GLC-SOURCE-CODE      -> GSC-SOURCE-CODE
                            2                    -> GSC-SEQ-NBR

Glsccat 3      GLSCCAT      Not Required

                            GLC-SOURCE-CODE      -> GSC-SOURCE-CODE
                            3                    -> GSC-SEQ-NBR

Glsrccode      GLSRCCODE    Not Required

                            GLC-SOURCE-CODE      -> GSR-SOURCE-CODE

Glsysje        GLSYSJE      Not Required

                            GLC-COMPANY          -> GSJ-COMPANY
                            GLC-SYSTEM           -> GSJ-SYSTEM
                            GLC-FISCAL-YEAR      -> GSJ-FISCAL-YEAR
                            GLC-ACCT-PERIOD      -> GSJ-ACCT-PERIOD

Mxcatdef 1     MXCATDEF     Required

                            GSC-MATRIX-CAT       -> MXC-MATRIX-CAT

Mxcatdef 2     MXCATDEF     Not Required

                            GSC-MATRIX-CAT       -> MXC-MATRIX-CAT

Mxcatdef 3     MXCATDEF     Not Required

                            GSC-MATRIX-CAT       -> MXC-MATRIX-CAT

System         GLCODES      Not Required

                            GLC-COMPANY          -> GCD-COMPANY
                            GLC-SYSTEM           -> GCD-SYSTEM

                         GLCONTROL FILE RELATIONS



Gljelog        GLJELOG

                            GLC-COMPANY          -> GJL-COMPANY
                            GLC-FISCAL-YEAR      -> GJL-FISCAL-YEAR
                            GLC-ACCT-PERIOD      -> GJL-ACCT-PERIOD
                            GLC-SYSTEM           -> GJL-SYSTEM
                            GLC-JE-TYPE          -> GJL-JE-TYPE
                            GLC-CONTROL-GROUP    -> GJL-CONTROL-GROUP
                            GLC-JE-SEQUENCE      -> GJL-JE-SEQUENCE

Gljelog Cntrl  GLJELOG

                            GLC-COMPANY          -> GJL-COMPANY
                            GLC-FISCAL-YEAR      -> GJL-FISCAL-YEAR
                            GLC-ACCT-PERIOD      -> GJL-ACCT-PERIOD
                            GLC-SYSTEM           -> GJL-SYSTEM
                            GLC-JE-TYPE          -> GJL-JE-TYPE
                            GLC-CONTROL-GROUP    -> GJL-CONTROL-GROUP
                            GLC-JE-SEQUENCE      -> GJL-JE-SEQUENCE
                            Zeroes               -> GJL-LINE-NBR

Gljelog Line   GLJELOG

                            GLC-COMPANY          -> GJL-COMPANY
                            GLC-FISCAL-YEAR      -> GJL-FISCAL-YEAR
                            GLC-ACCT-PERIOD      -> GJL-ACCT-PERIOD
                            GLC-SYSTEM           -> GJL-SYSTEM
                            GLC-JE-TYPE          -> GJL-JE-TYPE
                            GLC-CONTROL-GROUP    -> GJL-CONTROL-GROUP
                            GLC-JE-SEQUENCE      -> GJL-JE-SEQUENCE

Gltrans        GLTRANS      Delete Cascades

                            GLC-COMPANY          -> GLT-COMPANY
                            GLC-FISCAL-YEAR      -> GLT-FISCAL-YEAR
                            GLC-ACCT-PERIOD      -> GLT-ACCT-PERIOD
                            GLC-CONTROL-GROUP    -> GLT-CONTROL-GROUP
                            GLC-SYSTEM           -> GLT-SYSTEM
                            GLC-JE-TYPE          -> GLT-JE-TYPE
                            GLC-JE-SEQUENCE      -> GLT-JE-SEQUENCE