GL90.1 - Transaction Analysis
**Form Purpose
Use Transaction Analysis (GL90.1) to view transactions for a posting account,
view transaction amounts and detail, track transaction attributes by source
code, mark posted transactions as reconciled, and view transaction totals.
The journal entry status displays. Unreleased indicates the journal entry has
not been released and changes can be made. Released indicates the journal
entry is released and changes cannot be made. History indicates the journal is
released and posted.
**More Information
Choose the Filter button to select criteria that limits the transactions that
Choose the Total button to view transaction totals for an account number.
Choose the Reconcile button to mark a posted transaction as reconciled.
Choose the CSV Export button to create a comma separated value (CSV) file.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
CUAMOUNT - This file is updated with a posting account period balance.
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLAMOUNTS - Used to access a posting account period balance.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHARTDTL - Used to access a detail account description.
GLCONTROL - Used to access journal entry information.
GLMASTER - Used to access posting account information.
GLNAMES - Used to access accounting unit information.
GLSYSTEM - Used to access company information.
GLTRANS - Used to access journal entry transactions.
GLUNITS - Used to access posting account period unit balances.
GL90.2 - Transaction Totals
**Form Purpose
Use Transaction Totals (GL90.2) to view transaction totals for the account
number you selected in the main form.
After you select the transaction type and status, the number of transactions
and total amount display.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCONTROL - Used to access journal entry information.
GLMASTER - Used to access posting account information.
GLSYSTEM - Used to access company information.
GLTRANS - Used to access journal entry transaction information.
GL90.3 - Filter
**Form Purpose
Use Filter (GL90.3) to select specific criteria that limits the transactions
that display. The Enable Filter field lets you enable and disable specific
For example, you can view unreleased transactions that have a Base currency,
in GL, with a journal book assigned to it.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ACACTIVITY - Used to access activity description.
CUCODES - Used to access currency code information.
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLSYSTEM - Used to access company information.
SYSTEMCODE - Used to validate system code.
GL90.4 - Reconcile Transactions
**Form Purpose
Use Reconcile Transactions (GL90.4) to mark posted transactions as reconciled
for audit purposes.
Mark transactions as reconciled when both records in different systems are
the same. This indicates you are typically finished with the transaction.
Updated Files
GLTRANS - This file is updated with a transaction's reconciliation code
maintained by this program.
Referenced Files
CUAMOUNT - This file is updated with a posting account period balance.
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLAMOUNTS - Used to access a posting account period balances.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCODES - Used to access system code information.
GLMASTER - Used to access posting account information.
GLNAMES - Used to validate the existence of accounting units.
GLSYSTEM - Used to access company information.
GLUNITS - Used to access posting account period unit balances.
INVOKED Programs