GL190 - Journal Posting
**Form Purpose
Run Journal Posting (GL190) to post journal entries. The program posts
released journal entries created in the General Ledger system, interfaced from
a non-Lawson application, or transferred from other Lawson Software
applications. If you use a Workflow system for approving journal entries, the
journal entries that require approval must be approved before you can post
them to the general ledger.
**Processing Effect
The Journal Posting program
- posts released journal entries with a posting date less than or equal to
the Through Posting Date you define,
- creates balancing entries for interzone journal entries,
- creates auto-balancing entries for recurring journal entries that were
created in currencies other than the company base currency and posts them
either to the auto-balancing system account (if the company uses the
auto-balancing option) or the error suspense account (if the company does not
use auto-balancing),
- updates account balances,
- changes the journal entries to a posted status, and
- changes journal entry transaction lines to historical status.
- updates the Undistributed Retained Earnings account for Income Statement
Before updating company account balances, the program converts nonbase
currency amounts to the company base currency. The program does not post
journal entries that have a journal hold code assigned or journal entries that
require approval in a Workflow system and are not yet approved.
Inquire on posted journal entries in GL90.1 (Transaction Analysis) and GL95.1
(Account Analysis). You cannot run this program and GL199 (Period Closing) at
the same time.
You post multiple journal entries at the same time as long as the Company,
Fiscal Year, Period, System Code, or Operator is different for each job.
If you are posting intercompany journal entries, run GL190 (Journal Posting)
for both the originating ("from") company and the posting ("to") company.
This program can create up to 4 separate reports if you select All in the
Report Currency field and Both in the Report Style field. This creates a
report for the Inline style and a separate reports for the Base, Report 1, and
Report 2 currencies.
Updated Files
ACMXVAL - This file is updated for error journal entry lines with
ACTRANS - This file is updated for error journal entry lines with an
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
CUAMOUNT - This file is updated with a posting account period balance.
CUAMOUNTX - This file is updated with report currency balances.
CUCONTROL - This file is used to store transaction currency amounts.
GLAMOUNTS - This file is updated with a posting account base currency
GLAMOUNTSX - This file is updated with a posting account base currency
daily balance.
GLCONSOL - This file is updated with consolidated account base currency,
unit, and currency balances.
GLCONTROL - This file is updated with a journal entry processed status.
Error journal entry records are created.
GLJELOG - This file is updated with a journal entry posted log. This
file will also be updated with any journal entry errors
GLMASTER - Used to validate a posting account. This file is updated if
dynamic account generation is used.
GLMONITOR - This file is used to run jobs concurrently.
GLSYSTEM - This file is updated with a GL190 running flag.
GLTRANS - This file is updated with a processed status. Records will be
created for error suspense and zone balancing.
GLUNITS - This file is updated with posting account unit balances.
GLUNITSX - This file is updated with posting account unit daily balances.
JBKSEQNBR - This file is updated with the last transaction posting
sequence number.
JBOOKHDR - This file is updated with a journal book used flag.
ULPOST - This file stores the last posting date and time.
Referenced Files
CUCODES - Used to validate currency codes.
CUCONV - Used to validate exchange rates.
CURELAT - Used to validate currency relationships.
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCGCPY - Used to access companies associated with a company group.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHARTDTL - Used to validate detail accounts.
GLCODES - Maintained by this program.
GLCPYGRP - Used to validate a company group.
GLESACCT - Used to access a system's error suspense account.
GLINTCO - Used to validate zone and intercompany relationships.
GLNAMES - Used to validate accounting units.
GLZONE - Used to validate zones.
GTMXVALUE - Used to access journal entry transaction attribute values.
JBKOPCODE - Used to validate a journal book/operator relationship.
JBKSYSCODE - Used to validate a journal book/system code relationship.
MXVALIDATE - Used to validate an attribute's value.
INVOKED Programs