GL45.1 - Journal Control
**Form Purpose
Use Journal Control (GL45.1) to view and maintain the status of journal
entries from all Lawson Software systems. From this form, you can release,
unrelease, change, delete, backout, and quick post journal entries. You can
also define control transaction totals for a journal entry. The control totals
must match the system totals before you can release the journal entry.
**More Information
If you use a Workflow system for approving journal entries, journal entries
that are greater than or equal to the approval amount defined for the company
on the Journals form tab in GL10.1 (Company) are routed to the Workflow system
for approval. These journal entries must be approved before they display on
this form and before they become available for posting.
Choose the Filter button to view journal entries that meet specific criteria.
Choose the More button to define additional journal entry information.
Updated Files
ACMXVAL - This file is updated with activity attribute values when a
journal entry is unreleased.
ACTRANS - This file is updated with activity transactions when a journal
entry is unreleased.
CUAMOUNT - This file is updated with a posting accounts currency balance.
CUAMOUNTX - This file is updated with report currency balances.
CUCONTROL - This file is updated with journal entry processing information.
GLAMOUNTS - This file is updated with a posting account's period balances.
GLAMOUNTSX - This file is updated with a posting account's daily balances.
GLCONSOL - This file is updated with consolidated account balances.
GLCONTROL - This file is updated with a status change when maintained by
this program.
GLJELOG - This file is updated with a journal entry log for journal
entries maintained by this program.
GLMASTER - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLSYSJE - This file is updated with the last journal number used.
GLSYSTEM - This file is updated with a GL45 running flag.
GLTRANS - This file is updated with deleted journal entry transactions
when a journal entry is deleted.
GLUNITS - This file is updated with a posting account's period unit
GLUNITSX - This file is updated with a posting account's daily unit
GTMXVALUE - This file is updated with deleted transaction attribute values
when a journal entry is deleted.
JBKSEQNBR - This file is updated with the last transaction posting
sequence number.
JBOOKHDR - This file is updated with a journal book used flag.
MXOBJCAT - This file is updated with an attribute usage count.
RJBRIDGE - This file is updated with an interfaced recurring journal
released status.
RJCONTROL - This file is updated with a deleted record when an associated
journal entry is deleted.
RJSCHEDULE - This file is updated with a recurring period schedule released
SLTRANS - This file is used to validate strategic ledger transactions.
SLTRANSERR - This file is used to validate strategic ledger transaction
SYSTEMCODE - This file is updated with the last remote site transaction
object identification.
ULPOST - This file is updated with the last posting date and time.
Referenced Files
CUCODES - Used to validate currency codes.
CUCONV - Used to access exchange rates.
CURELAT - Used to validate currency relationships.
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHARTDTL - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHARTSUM - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCODES - Used to validate system codes.
GLESACCT - Used to access the error suspense account for the system code.
GLHOLDCODE - Used to validate hold codes.
GLINTCO - Used to validate zones.
GLNAMES - Used to validate accounting units.
GLSRCCODE - Used to validate source codes.
GLZONE - Used to validate zones.
JBKOPCODE - Used to validate journal book/operator relationships.
JBKSYSCODE - Used to validate journal book/system code relationships.
MXVALIDATE - Used to validate transaction attribute values.
INVOKED Programs