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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                             RJCONTROL FILE

                       Recurring Journal Control

This file contains recurring journal entry control information defined in
GL70.1 (Recurring Journal). This information is used to process the recurring
journal entry detail records.


GL179     GL238     GL270     GL275     GLCC.1    GL38.2


AP125     AP126     AP20.1    AP20.2    AP20.3    AP20.4
AP20.5    AP20.7    AP23.1    AP25.1    AP25.2    AP26.1
AP27.1    AP30.2    AP30.4    AP32.2    GL110     GL146
GL170     GL197     GL40.1    GL40.2    GL40.3    GL40.7
GL40.8    GL44.1    GL45.1    GL500     GL70.1    GL70.2
GL70.3    GL70.6    GL75.1    MA41.2    MA43.2    MA61.1
MA70.1    MAI1.1


RJC-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   AP125   AP126
Company              The company number as defined in GL10.1     AP20.1  AP20.2
                     (Company).                                  AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL110   GL146
                                                                 GL197   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL70.2  GL70.6
                                                                 GLCC.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-JE-TYPE          Alpha 1                                     AP125   AP126
Journal Entry Type   The type of journal entry. Valid values     AP20.1  AP20.2
                     are Normal and Intercompany.                AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                     N = Normal                                  AP23.1  AP25.1
                     I = Intercompany                            AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  GLCC.1
                                                                 MA41.2  MA43.2
                                                                 MA61.1  MA70.1

RJC-REC-GROUP        Numeric 8                                   AP125   AP126
Group                The recurring journal entry number.         AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  GLCC.1
                                                                 MA41.2  MA43.2
                                                                 MA61.1  MA70.1

RJC-STATUS           Numeric 1                                   AP125   AP126
Status               This field displays the status of the       AP20.1  AP20.2
                     transaction.                                AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                     1 = Released                                AP23.1  AP25.1
                     0 = Unreleased                              AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL170
                                                                 GL197   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL70.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.3  GL70.6
                                                                 GL75.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-LINE-NBR         Numeric 6                                   AP125   AP126
Line Number          This field contains the line number.        AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.1
                                                                 GL70.2  GL70.3
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-NBR-LINES        Numeric 6                                   AP125   AP126
Number Lines         This is the number of detail lines.         AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.1
                                                                 GL70.2  GL70.3
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AP125   AP126
Description          The recurring journal description.          AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-AUTO-ZERO        Alpha 1                                     AP125   AP126
Auto Zero            This field is used to determine if          AP20.1  AP20.2
                     amounts are to be zeroed out after          AP20.3  AP20.4
                     processing.                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                     N = No                                      AP23.1  AP25.1
                     Y = Yes                                     AP25.2  AP26.1
                     R = Rates Only                              AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-POST-PERIOD      Alpha 1 Occurs 13 Times                     AP125   AP126
Post Period          The accounting periods you want to          AP20.1  AP20.2
                     process the recurring journal entry in.     AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-LP-PERIOD        Numeric 2                                   GL170   GL500
Last Post Period     The period the transaction was last         GL70.6  GL75.1

RJC-LP-YEAR          Numeric 4                                   GL170   GL500
Last Post Year       The year the transaction was last           GL70.6  GL75.1

RJC-BEG-PERIOD       Numeric 2                                   AP125   AP126
Beginning Period     This is the beginning period that the       AP20.1  AP20.2
                     transaction is posted to.                   AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-BEG-YEAR         Numeric 4                                   AP125   AP126
Beginning Year       This is the beginning year that the         AP20.1  AP20.2
                     transaction is posted to.                   AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-END-PERIOD       Numeric 2                                   AP125   AP126
End Period           This is the ending period that the          AP20.1  AP20.2
                     transaction is posted to.                   AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-END-YEAR         Numeric 4                                   AP125   AP126
End Year             This is the ending year that the            AP20.1  AP20.2
                     transaction is posted to.                   AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-ENTRY-DEBITS     Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Entry Debits         The total positive detail amounts.          AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL170
                                                                 GL197   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL70.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.3  GL70.6
                                                                 GL75.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-ENTRY-CREDITS    Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Entry Credits        The total negative detail amounts.          AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL170
                                                                 GL197   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL70.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.3  GL70.6
                                                                 GL75.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-TRAN-ND          Numeric 1                                   AP125   AP126
Trans Number of      The number of decimal positions defined     AP20.1  AP20.2
Decimals             for the transaction currency.               AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-UNIT-DEBITS      Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Unit Debits          The total positive detail unit amounts.     AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL170
                                                                 GL197   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL70.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.3  GL70.6
                                                                 GL75.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-UNIT-CREDITS     Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Unit Credits         The total negative detail unit amounts.     AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL170
                                                                 GL197   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL70.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.3  GL70.6
                                                                 GL75.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-AUTO-DEBITS      Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Auto Debits          The total positive detail auto              AP20.1  AP20.2
                     reversing amounts.                          AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL170
                                                                 GL197   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL70.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.3  GL70.6
                                                                 GL75.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-AUTO-CREDITS     Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Auto Credits         The total negative detail auto              AP20.1  AP20.2
                     reversing  amounts.                         AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL170
                                                                 GL197   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL70.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.3  GL70.6
                                                                 GL75.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-AUTO-UNIT-DB     Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Auto Unit Debits     The total positive detail auto              AP20.1  AP20.2
                     reversing units amounts.                    AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.1
                                                                 GL70.2  GL70.3
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-AUTO-UNIT-CR     Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Auto Unit Credits    The total negative detail auto              AP20.1  AP20.2
                     reversing unit amounts.                     AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.1
                                                                 GL70.2  GL70.3
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-POSTING-DAY      Numeric 2                                   AP125   AP126
Posting Day          This is the day the transaction is          AP20.1  AP20.2
                     posted in the Lawson General Ledger         AP20.3  AP20.4
                     system. If this field is left blank, the    AP20.5  AP20.7
                     period end-date defaults.                   AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-OPERATOR         Alpha 10                                    AP125   AP126
Operator             This field is used to store the login       AP20.1  AP20.2
                     ID of the person who entered the record.    AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-LAST-CMT-SEQ     Numeric 4                                   AP125   AP126
Last Comment         The sequence number of the last comment     AP20.1  AP20.2
Sequence Number      for the journal entry.                      AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-BASE-ZONE        Alpha 15                                    AP125   AP126
Base Zone            The zone within the Lawson General          AP20.1  AP20.2
                     Ledger system where the transaction         AP20.3  AP20.4
                     originates.                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-BASE-DEBITS      Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Base Debits          The total positive detail amount in the     AP20.1  AP20.2
                     company base currency.                      AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL170
                                                                 GL197   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL70.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.3  GL70.6
                                                                 GL75.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-BASE-CREDITS     Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Base Credits         The total negative detail amount in the     AP20.1  AP20.2
                     company base currency.                      AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL170
                                                                 GL197   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL70.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.3  GL70.6
                                                                 GL75.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-BASE-AUTO-DB     Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Base Auto Debits     The total positive detail auto              AP20.1  AP20.2
                     reversing amount in the  company base       AP20.3  AP20.4
                     currency.                                   AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL170
                                                                 GL197   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL70.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.3  GL70.6
                                                                 GL75.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-BASE-AUTO-CR     Signed 15.2                                 AP125   AP126
Base Auto Credits    The total negative detail auto              AP20.1  AP20.2
                     reversing amount in the company base        AP20.3  AP20.4
                     currency.                                   AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL170
                                                                 GL197   GL40.1
                                                                 GL40.2  GL40.3
                                                                 GL40.7  GL40.8
                                                                 GL44.1  GL45.1
                                                                 GL70.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.3  GL70.6
                                                                 GL75.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-BASE-ND          Numeric 1                                   AP125   AP126
Base Number of       The number of decimal positions defined     AP20.1  AP20.2
Decimals             for the company base currency.              AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     AP125   AP126
Currency Code        This is the recurring journal entry         AP20.1  AP20.2
                     base currency code. If left blank, the      AP20.3  AP20.4
                     company  base currency defaults.            AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-BASERATE         Signed 12.6                                 AP125   AP126
Base Rate            The exchange rate at the time the           AP20.1  AP20.2
                     journal entry was made. If left blank,      AP20.3  AP20.4
                     the current exchange rate will default.     AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL170
                                                                 GL197   GL270
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  GL75.1
                                                                 MA41.2  MA43.2
                                                                 MA61.1  MA70.1

RJC-SOURCE-CODE      Alpha 2                                     AP125   AP126
Source Code          A two-character code assigned to a          AP20.1  AP20.2
                     transaction that identifies where the       AP20.3  AP20.4
                     transaction was created.                    AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 MA41.2  MA43.2
                                                                 MA61.1  MA70.1

RJC-AUTO-REV         Alpha 1                                     AP125   AP126
Auto Reverse         When the Auto Reversal field is set to      AP20.1  AP20.2
                     "Y," the Lawson General Ledger Closing      AP20.3  AP20.4
                     program GL199 creates an opposite entry     AP20.5  AP20.7
                     for this transaction in the next period.    AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 MA41.2  MA43.2
                                                                 MA61.1  MA70.1

RJC-REFERENCE        Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      AP125   AP126
Reference            The reference number associated with        AP20.1  AP20.2
                     the transaction.                            AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 GL70.6  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-DOCUMENT-NBR     Alpha 27                                    AP125   AP126
Document Number      The document number assigned to the         AP20.1  AP20.2
                     recurring journal entry.                    AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 MA41.2  MA43.2
                                                                 MA61.1  MA70.1

RJC-NET-BASE-AMT     Derived
Net Base Amount      The net base amount.

Net Base Reverse     Net base auto-reversed amount.

RJC-JRNL-BOOK-NBR    Alpha 12                                    AP125   AP126
Journal Book Number  The journal book assigned to the            AP20.1  AP20.2
                     transaction.                                AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL146   GL197
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  GL70.2
                                                                 MA41.2  MA43.2
                                                                 MA61.1  MA70.1

RJC-BRIDGE-FLAG      Alpha 1                                     AP125   AP126
Bridge Flag          This field determines the origin of the     AP20.1  AP20.2
                     Recurring Entry. A No value represents      AP20.3  AP20.4
                     that the entry was created through GL70     AP20.5  AP20.7
                     (Recurring Journal). A Yes value            AP23.1  AP25.1
                     represents that the entry originated        AP25.2  AP26.1
                     from another system.                        AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                     Y = Yes                                     GL146   GL197
                     N = No                                      GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1
                                                                 GL45.1  MA41.2
                                                                 MA43.2  MA61.1
                                                                 MA70.1  MAI1.1

RJC-TRAN-DESC-DFLT   Alpha 1                                     GL70.2
Tran Description     This field determines the description
                     that appears for each transaction line.

                     J = Journal Header
                     P = Prior Transaction Line

RJC-MX-VALUE         Alpha 32 Occurs 3 Times                     GL70.2
Matrix Value         The attribute value associated with the
                     recurring journal.

                         RJCONTROL FILE INDEX


RJCSET1   COMPANY                                                AP125   AP126
          JE-TYPE                                                AP20.1  AP20.2
          REC-GROUP                                              AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP23.1  AP25.1
                                                                 AP25.2  AP26.1
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.2
                                                                 AP30.4  AP32.2
                                                                 GL110   GL146
                                                                 GL170   GL179
                                                                 GL197   GL238
                                                                 GL270   GL275
                                                                 GL40.1  GL40.2
                                                                 GL40.3  GL40.7
                                                                 GL40.8  GL44.1

                         RJCONTROL FILE RELATIONS



Apapdhist Orig APAPDHIST    Required
                            When RJC-OBJ-TYPE = "APDST"

                            RJB-OBJ-ID       -> AH2-DST-OBJ-ID

Apdistrib Orig APDISTRIB    Not Required
                            Valid When RJC-OBJ-TYPE = "APDST"

                            RJB-OBJ-ID       -> APD-DST-OBJ-ID

Company        GLSYSTEM     Required

                            RJC-COMPANY      -> GLS-COMPANY

Gltrans Orig   GLTRANS      Not Required
                            Valid When RJC-OBJ-TYPE = "GLTRN"

                            RJB-OBJ-ID       -> GLT-OBJ-ID

Rjbridge       RJBRIDGE     Not Required

                            RJC-COMPANY      -> RJB-COMPANY
                            RJC-JE-TYPE      -> RJB-JE-TYPE
                            RJC-REC-GROUP    -> RJB-REC-GROUP

                         RJCONTROL FILE RELATIONS



Rjschedule     RJSCHEDULE

                            RJB-OBJ-TYPE     -> RJS-OBJ-TYPE
                            RJB-OBJ-ID       -> RJS-OBJ-ID

Rjtrans        RJTRANS      Delete Cascades

                            RJC-COMPANY      -> RJT-COMPANY
                            RJC-REC-GROUP    -> RJT-REC-GROUP
                            RJC-JE-TYPE      -> RJT-JE-TYPE