GL179 - Recurring Journal Closing
**Form Purpose
Run Recurring Journal Closing (GL179) to close the recurring journal entry
system after you transfer all recurring journal entries to the General Ledger
system. This program checks to make sure all recurring journal entries for the
current period are processed.
You can close recurring journal entries for a company or company group.
Important IMPORTANT: You must set up system control for the RJ system code
before you can run this program. Set the Control field on System Control
(GL01.1) or Cntrl field on System Control (GL01.2) to Y (Yes) for system code
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
GLCODES - This file is updated with the system's new valid date range
and period closed.
Referenced Files
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCGCPY - Used to access companies associated with a company group.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCPYGRP - Used to validate a company group.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate a company.
RJCONTROL - Used to validate for an unprocessed recurring entry for period.
INVOKED Programs