GL110 - Company Copy Delete
**Form Purpose
Run Company Copy Delete (GL110) to copy existing company, associated
accounting units and accounts or balances, transaction, and accounting unit
attributes, zero out company balances and transactions, or delete a company.
Warning This program permanently deletes data. Before you run this program,
back up your data according to your organization's procedures. Before you
submit the report, carefully review the parameters.
Updated Files
AUMXVALUE - Used to access accounting unit attribute information.
CADETAIL - This file stores the detail allocation information maintained
by this program.
CAHEADER - This file is updated with an allocation's last allocation
detail sequence number.
CATRANS - This file is updated with transaction information.
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
CUACCT - Currency gain/loss accounts associated to the company will be
deleted when company is deleted.
CUAMOUNT - Used to validate the existence of a non-base currency for the
posting account.
CUAMOUNTX - This file is updated with report currency balances.
CUTRANSL - Used to store the currency translation rate maintained by this
FBDETAIL - This file is updated with calculated budget balances created
by this program.
FBDTLHIST - This file stores the budget detail version information.
FBHEADER - This file is updated with the last calculated budget date.
FBHISTHDR - This file stores the budget header information for a version.
GLADDRESS - Stores the company address.
GLAMOUNTS - This file is updated with a posting account base currency
GLAMOUNTSX - This file is updated with a posting account base currency
daily balance.
GLAUDIT - This file contains an audit of when and how the levels within
a company were changed. Information is stored here when you
changed a level and process the
change by running GL120 (Level Reorganization).
GLCLSAUDIT - The General Ledger Closing Audit file contains the company
general ledger closing information for a specific period and
fiscal year.
GLCODES - All system code records associated to a company are deleted
when a company is deleted. GL, RJ, and CA records are created
for a company when a company is
GLCONSOL - This file is updated with consolidated account base currency,
unit, and currency balances.
GLCONTROL - This file is updated with a journal entry processed status.
Error journal entry records are created.
GLINTCO - Used to access intercompany relationship information.
GLJELOG - This file is updated with a journal entry posted log. This
file will also be updated with any journal entry errors
GLMASTER - Used to validate a posting account. This file is updated if
dynamic account generation is used.
GLNAMES - Used to update accounting units.
GLRPTDEF - This file is updated with the transaction writer report
definition maintained by this program.
GLRPTSEL - Used to access report selection parameters.
GLSYSJE - Used to access the last journal entry number used.
GLSYSTEM - Used to store the company parameter definition maintained by
this program.
GLTRANS - This file is updated with a processed status. Records will be
created for error suspense and zone balancing.
GLUNITS - This file is updated with posting account unit balances.
GLUNITSX - This file is updated with posting account unit daily balances.
GLZONE - This file is updated with zone information.
GTMXVALUE - This file checks transactions for valid attribute values.
JBKACCT - Used to delete detail accounts associated with a deleted
journal book.
JBKOPCODE - Used to delete associated operator codes when a journal book
is deleted.
JBKSEQNBR - Stores the last transaction posting sequence option for a
company, if the sequential transaction posting option is a
selected company parameter.
JBKSYSCODE - This file is updated with deleted system codes associated with
a deleted journal book.
JBOOKHDR - Used to validate a company's system control journal books.
This file is also updated by deleting the journal books
associated to a company when the company is deleted.
MXLISTHDR - This file is updated with the last built date and time of a
accounting unit list maintained by this program.
MXLISTMBR - This file is updated with accounting units associated to an
accounting unit list.
MXOBJCAT - Stores a transaction / attribute relationship for all
attributes assigned to a source code.
RJBRIDGE - Used to validate the origin of the recurring journal entry.
This file is updated with journalized amount totals.
RJCONTROL - Used to access recurring journals to be journalized. The last
period processed is updated.
RJMXVALUE - This file is updated with a recurring transaction attribute
RJSCHEDULE - This file is accessed for interfaced recurring journal entries
to determine the amount to be journalized. The schedule status
is updated by this program.
RJTRANS - Used to create journalized journal entry transactions.
Recurring journal entry transaction status and amounts are
updated by this program.
Referenced Files
CUCODES - Used to validate currency codes.
GLCHART - Used to validate the chart of accounts exists.
MXCATDEF - Used to validate the element's association to an attribute.
MXLISTMBR - This file is updated with accounting units associated to an
accounting unit list.
INVOKED Programs