GL70.1 - Recurring Journal
**Form Purpose
Use Recurring Journal (GL70.1) to define and release recurring journal
entries. A recurring journal is a journal entry that occurs more than once,
such as a journal entry for a monthly rent payment, quarterly payroll tax, or
semiannual real estate tax. There are two different types of recurring journal
entries. A Normal journal entry lets you manually define the debits and
credits for one company while an Intercompany journal entry lets you create a
journal entry between different companies. The entire journal entry process
consists of defining the journal entry, editing, releasing, posting, and if
necessary, closing the period.
**Processing Effect
When you release a journal entry, the journal entry becomes available for
posting to the General Ledger.
If you use a Workflow system for approving journal entries, journal entries
that are greater than or equal to the approval amount defined for the company
on the Journals form tab in GL10.1 (Company) are routed to the Workflow system
for approval. These journal entries must be approved before they become
available for posting.
**More Information
After you release the journal entry, there are several programs available to
verify information is correct before posting. Use GL75.1 (Recurring Journal
Control) to view journal entries, GL90.1 (Transaction Analysis) to view
transaction totals, GL95.1 (Account Analysis) to view account information, and
GL238 (Split Distribution Report) to create a report that includes recurring
journal entry data that were split distributions. If you included User
Analysis values, use SL40.1 (Error Transaction Edit) to view errors or SL90.1
(Strategic Ledger Transaction Analysis) to view user analysis totals.
Choose the New Entry button to define recurring journal entry header
Choose the Amts Only button to change the journal entry amounts.
Choose the Totals button to view totals for the journal entry. You can use
this subform to determine whether you need to make transaction line
adjustments to eliminate differences between transaction currency and base
currency amounts or between debit amounts and credit amounts.
Choose the Schedule button to open the Recurring Journal Schedule form. Use
this form to view and maintain journal entry split distribution information
defined in GL38.1 (Recurring Journal Interface).
Choose the More button to define additional information for each transaction
line, override information that defaults from the recurring journal entry
header, or calculate the amount based on volume and rate information.
After you release the recurring journal entry:
- Run GL270 (Recurring Journal Edit Listing) to print a detailed listing of
each recurring journal entry for accuracy.
- Run GL170 (Recurring Journal Interface) to transfer all recurring journal
entries for posting in the General Ledger system OR use GL75 (Recurring
Journal Control) to transfer specific recurring journal entries.
- Run GL190 (Journal Posting) to update and summarize company account
- Run GL179 (Recurring Journal Closing) to close the recurring journal
Updated Files
JBOOKHDR - Used to update the journal book used flag.
RJCONTROL - This file is updated with the last recurring transaction line
RJMXVALUE - This file is updated with a recurring transaction attribute
RJTRANS - This file stores the recurring transactions maintained by this
Referenced Files
CUCONV - Used to validate exchange rates.
CURELAT - Used to validate currency relationships.
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLINTCO - Used to validate intercompany and interzone relationships.
GLSCCAT - Used to access a source code's associated transaction
GLSRCCODE - Used to validate a source code.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate companies.
GLZONE - Used to validate zones.
JBKOPCODE - Used to validate a journal book/operator relationship.
JBKSYSCODE - Used to validate a journal book/system code relationship.
MXCATDEF - Used to validate attributes.
MXOBJCAT - Used to validate object type/attribute relationship.
MXVALIDATE - Used to validate a transaction attribute value.
RJBRIDGE - Used to validate the interface origin.
GL70.2 - Define Recurring Journal
**Form Purpose
Use Define Recurring Journal (GL70.2) to create and maintain recurring
journal entry header information. Header information applies to all
transaction lines for the recurring journal.
**More Information
Use the Attachment feature do define additional comments or URL to link the
recurring journal entry to a document (for example, Word) or E-mail the file.
Use the Main form tab to define required information for the recurring
journal entry, including information that defaults on transaction lines. On
the Main form tab, you can choose the Copy button to create a new recurring
journal by copying an existing one.
Use the Valid Periods form tab to define the date range and period in which
the recurring journal entry occurs.
Use the Attributes form tab to assign up to three transaction attribute
values in the journal entry. The transaction attributes you can select values
from are defined by source code in GL05.1 (Source Code).
Updated Files
JBOOKHDR - This file is updated with a journal book used flag.
RJBRIDGE - Used to validate the interface origin.
RJCONTROL - This file stores the recurring journal entry definition
maintained by this program.
RJMXVALUE - This file is updated with deleted transaction attribute
records associated with a deleted recurring journal.
RJSCHEDULE - This file is accessed for interfaced recurring journal entries
to determine the amount to be journalized. The schedule status
is updated by this program.
RJTRANS - This file is updated with deleted records associated with a
deleted recurring journal.
Referenced Files
CUCONV - Used to validate exchange rates.
CURELAT - Used to validate currency relationships.
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLINTCO - Used to validate zones and intercompany relationships.
GLMASTER - Used to validate posting accounts.
GLSCCAT - Used to validate a source code's transaction attributes.
GLSRCCODE - Used to validate source codes.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate companies.
GLZONE - Used to validate zones.
JBKOPCODE - Used to validate a journal book/operator relationship.
JBKSYSCODE - Used to validate a journal book/system code relationship.
MXCATDEF - Used to validate an attribute.
MXOBJCAT - Used to validate an object type/attribute relationship.
MXVALIDATE - Used to validate a transaction attribute value.
GL70.3 - Amounts Only
**Form Purpose
Use Amounts Only (GL70.3) to define new recurring journal amounts or units
for each transaction line.
Use this subform when you select the auto zero option when defining your
recurring journal entry.
**Processing Effect
Each time the recurring journal is interfaced to the General Ledger, the
accounts remain but the amounts or units will zero out. Before you can process
the recurring journal entry again, you must add a new amount or units value to
each transaction line.
Updated Files
RJCONTROL - This file is updated with the recurring entry control amount.
RJMXVALUE - This file is updated with the recurring transaction attribute
RJTRANS - This file is updated with the new transaction amounts
maintained by this program.
Referenced Files
CUCONV - Used to validate exchange rates.
CURELAT - Used to validate currency relationships.
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLINTCO - Used to validate zones and intercompany relationships.
GLSCCAT - Used to validate a source code's transaction attributes.
GLSRCCODE - Used to validate a source code.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate companies.
GLZONE - Used to validate zones.
MXCATDEF - Used to validate attributes.
MXOBJCAT - Used to validate object type/attribute relationships.
MXVALIDATE - Used to validate a recurring transaction attribute value.
RJBRIDGE - Used to validate their origin of the recurring journal.
GL70.5 - Filter
**Form Purpose
Use Filter (GL70.5) to view totals for a different posting company or zone.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
CURELAT - Used to validate currency relationships.
GLADDRESS - Used to validate address information.
GLMASTER - Used to validate accounts.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate companies.
RJCONTROL - This file is updated with the last recurring journal comment
line number.
RJTRANS - Primary file maintained by this program.
GL70.6 - Recurring Copy
**Form Purpose
Use Recurring Copy (GL70.6) to create a new recurring journal by copying an
existing one and making changes.
Important If the Description Default field of the original recurring journal
entry is J (Journal Header), the new description entered on this form will
default to all the copied lines. If the Description Default field of the
original recurring journal entry is P (Prior Transaction Line), the new
description will be used only for the header; the new detail line descriptions
will be copied from the original detail line descriptions.
Updated Files
RJCONTROL - Used to validate journal header information.
RJTRANS - Used to validate transaction detail.
Referenced Files
CUCONV - Used to validate exchange rates.
CURELAT - Used to validate currency relationships.
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLINTCO - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate companies.
GLZONE - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
INVOKED Programs