GL297 - Posting Sequence Number Report
**Form Purpose
Run Posting Sequence Number Report (GL297) to print a report of a company's
general ledger transactions in the order they were posted. Transactions are
listed by the transaction sequence number automatically assigned when the
transaction was posted.
You can generate the report for a company by fiscal year, a period range, a
posting date range, or a posting sequence number range. Note: The date that
displays in the report is the date when GL190 (Journal Posting) was run.
This report can create up to 5 different reports if you select Both in the
Type field, All in the Report Currency field, and Both in the Report Style
If you select Both in the Type field to create a report for both amounts and
units, but one or the other does not exist, you will receive an error message
and the report is still created.
Note If you define a report for units only, a report is created for base
currency amounts. You can delete the report containing base currency amounts
and view the report for units.
If you only select Unit in the Type field, leave the Report Currency and
Report Style fields blank.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
GLCHARTDTL - Used to access detail account information.
GLCONTROL - Used to access journal entry information.
GLSYSTEM - Used to access company information.
GLTRANS - Used to access journal entry transactions.
INVOKED Programs