GL256 - Transaction Writer Report
**Form Purpose
Run Transaction Writer Report (GL256) to print a report of the parameters
defined in GL55.1 (Transaction Writer).
You can select override information to override values you selected in
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
GLTWHDR - Used to access report definition information.
Referenced Files
CUCODES - Used to validate currency codes.
GLCGCPY - Used to validate company is part of a company group.
GLCHART - Used to access chart of accounts information.
GLCHARTDTL - Used to access detail account information.
GLCHARTSUM - Used by a common library; not referenced by this program.
GLCODES - Used to validate system codes.
GLCONTROL - Used to access journal entry information.
GLCPYGRP - Used to validate company groups.
GLHOLDCODE - Used to validate journal hold codes.
GLNAMES - Used to validate accounting units.
GLSRCCODE - Used to validate source codes.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate companies.
GLTRANS - Used to access transaction information.
GLTWLAYOUT - Used to access the report layout format.
GLTWSEL - Used to access report selection criteria.
GTMXVALUE - Used to access transaction attribute values.
JBOOKHDR - Used to validate journal books.
MXCATDEF - Used to validate attributes.
MXELEMENT - Used to access an attribute's element definition.
MXLISTHDR - Used to validate an accounting unit list.
MXLISTMBR - Used by a common library; not referenced by this program.
MXOBJCAT - Used to validate relationship between object type and
MXVALIDATE - Used to validate an attribute's value.
RWGRPDET - Used by a common library; not referenced by this program.
RWHEADER - Used by a common library; not referenced by this program.
RWROWDET - Used by a common library; not referenced by this program.
INVOKED Programs