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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


PA52.1 - Individual Action

**Form Purpose
Use Individual Action (PA52.1) to implement actions for an individual

Note An employee may have more than one pending action for the same effective
date. To check for pending actions, use the Next and Previous form action.

**Processing Effect
An action either updates Employee (HR11.1) immediately or is pending; you can
change a pending action before it updates HR11.1. To update HR11.1 with a
pending action, run Action Update (PA100). The system validates fields in
HR11.1 and a personnel action the same way.

Available special process functionality includes history correction and new
effective dates. Override the history correction method defined on Action
(PA50.1) or the company default set on HR00 when correcting employee history
files with retroactive changes. Change the effective date of a pending action
by entering a new effective date.

Updated Files


    BNCHANGE   - If the action affects benefits, the Benefit Audit file is
                 updated with the benefit changes.

    BNCOMPANY  - The Benefit Company Parameters file updates last COBRA
                 participant number.

    BNGRPCHG   - The Benefit Group Change file is updated with group changes
                 that affect benefits.


    EMPCODES   - The Emp/App Personnel Codes file is accessed by this program.

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file is the primary file is maintained by this

    HISTERR    -

    HREMPUSF   - The Employee/Applicant User Fields file is accessed by this

    HRHISTORY  - The HR History file is updated with a log of changes.

    HRSUPER    - The Supervisors file is used to verify supervisors.

    MILITARY   - The Military Service History file maintains information about
                 the military history of an employee or applicant.

    ONETMDED   - The Payroll One-time Deduction file is used to verify that no
                 one-time deductions exist when the employee status is changed
                 to No Pay.

    PAASSIGNED - The Assigned Resources file is updated with FTE and head count
                 changes during an immediate update. It also verifies counts
                 against the budget.

    PACOMMENTS - The Personnel Comments file is updated with personnel action

    PAEMPAPP   -


    PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee Personnel Information file is the primary file is
                 maintained by this program.

    PAEMPPOS   - The Employee Position file updates employee position history.

    PAMEDICAL  - The Emp Medical and Work Desc Code file maintains emergency
                 medical codes with begin and end dates.

    PAPEPAUDIT - The Retroactive Pos, Job Change file is udpated with
                 retroactive changes.

    PAPOSCHG   - The Position Changes file is updated with end date changes.

    PAPOSERR   - The Position Errors file is updated with non-immediate actions
                 for position fields that have position change records.

    PARTICIPNT - The COBRA Participant file creates participant master record.

    PATHFIND   - The Employee Report Writer Paths file is used to group
                 employees according to keys not part of another master path.


    PAYMASTR   - The Employee Payments file is used to recreate paymaster
                 records when employee process level or department changes.

    PERSACTHST - The Personnel Action History file is updated with the action

    PERSACTION - The Personnel Action file is updated when an action is pending.

    PERSGROUP  - The Employee Group Header file is used when a group is
                 affected by the change. A field will be updated to indicate
                 which groups will need to be re-built.

    PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is used when the update
                 field in Employee Group Header = Y, then this file will be
                 re-built with the current information.

    PRRATEHIST - The Employee Rate History file is udpated if the action
                 affects the compensation rate.


    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the
                 company and its process levels and to display user level names.

    PRTAXLOC   -

    STANDTIME  - The Payroll Standard Time Record file updates STM-RATE from

    TIMERECORD - The Employee Time Records file is used to update
                 TRD-PROCESS-LEVEL and TRD-DEPARTMENT when process level or
                 department change.

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - The Activity Account Categories file is accessed to verify the
                 account category.

    BENEFIT    - The Employee Benefit file is accessed by this program.

    BNBEN      -

    DEDCODE    -

    DEPTCODE   - The Department file is used to verify departments.

    EMDEPEND   - The Employee Dependent file is accessed by this program.


    EMPFLEXDOL - The Employee Flex Dollars file is accessed by this screen.

    EMSTATUS   - The Employee/Applicant Status file is used to verify employees

    EMTAMASTR  - The Employee Time Accrual Master file is accessed by this

    GLINTCO    -

    GLSYSTEM   - The General Ledger Company file is used to verify general
                 ledger companies.


    HRSECLEV   - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this program.

    HRUSERFLDS - The HR User Fields file is accessed by this program.


    JOBCODE    - The Job Code Parameters file is used to verify job codes.

    OCCURTYPE  - The COBRA Occurrence Type file is used to verify occurrence

    PABUDGET   - The Budget file updates assigned counts and accessed for
                 budget edits.

    PADICT     - The HR Systems Data Security file is used to display data item

    PADICT2    -

    PAINSTRUCT - The Course Instructors file is accessed to ensure an employee
                 is not deleted when assigned to teach a course.

    PAPOSITION - The Personnel Position Parameter file updates number of filled
                 positions and current FTEs.

    PAPOSRULE  - The Position Rules file retrieves position rules used for
                 edits and updates.

    PASCRTY    - The Data Item Attribute Parameters file is used to verify


    PCODES     - The Human Resource Code file is used to determine whether
                 human resource are active. Used for code descriptions.


    PERSACTYPE - The Personnel Action Code file updates PAT-LAST-CMT-SEQ and

    PGSELECT   - The Emp Group Selection Criteria file is used to verify
                 employees group selection.

    PLAN       -

    PRBUSGRP   -

    PREMDEDHST - The Employee Deduction History file is accessed by this

    PROVERTIME - The Overtime Pay Plan is accessed by this program.




    PRRATES    -

    PRSAGDTL   - The Step and Grade Schedule Detail file is used to verify step
                 and grade schedule details.

    PRSAGHEAD  - The Step and Grade Schedule Header file is used to verify
                 grade range schedules and step and grade schedules.

    PRSTATE    - The States file is accessed by this program.

    PRTAXAUTH  - The Tax Authority file is accessed by this program.


    REQCODE    -


    SIDEPTHD   -

    TAXGROUP   -

    WFSETUP    -

PA52.2 - Mass Pay Action

**Form Purpose
Use Mass Pay Action (PA52.2) to change the primary (Level 1) rate of pay for
an individual employee or a group of employees based on a percent change, an
amount of  change, or a new rate of pay. The system validates fields in
Employee (HR11.1) and a personnel action the same way.

Note You cannot use PA52.2 to change pay and currency. Instead, use Employee
Conversion (HR511) if you need to change pay and currency for a large number
of employees.

Updated Files

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file is updated with pay rate and salary changes.

    PACOMMENTS - The Personnel Comments file is updated when personnel action
                 comments are added.

    PERSACTION - The Personnel Action file is updated with personnel action
                 when action is pending.

Referenced Files


    DEPTCODE   - The Department file is used to verify departments.

    HRSECLEV   - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this program.

    HRSUPER    - The Supervisors file is used to verify supervisors.

    PADICT     - The HR Systems Data Dictionary is used to retrieve the data
                 type of the updated fields.

    PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee Personnel Information file is referenced by the
                 employee edit routine.

    PASCRTY    - The Data Item Attribute Parameters file is used to verify

    PCODES     - The Human Resource Code file is used to verify HR codes.

    PERSACTHST - The Personnel Action History file is accessed to retrieve the
                 action number.

    PERSACTYPE - The Personnel Action Code file updates PAT-LAST-CMT-SEQ and

    PERSGROUP  - The Employee Group Header file is used to verify employees

    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the

PA52.3 - Mass Action

**Form Purpose
Use Mass Action (PA52.3) to change to Level 1 information on a group of

**Processing Effect
The system validates fields in Employee (HR11.1) and a personnel action the
same way.

Updated Files


    BNCHANGE   - If the action affects benefits, the Benefit Audit file is
                 updated with the benefit changes.

    BNGRPCHG   - The Benefit Group Change file is updated with group changes
                 that affect benefits.


    EMPCODES   - The Emp/App Personnel Codes file is accessed by this program.

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file is used to display employee name and FICA

    HISTERR    -

    HREMPUSF   - The Employee/Applicant User Fields file is accessed by this

    HRHISTORY  - The HR History file is updated with user-defined employee
                 information changes. These changes do not include pay rate and
                 salary changes, which are logged in the Employee Rate History

    HRSUPER    - The Supervisors file is used to verify supervisors.

    MILITARY   - The Military Service file is updated when the personnel action
                 changes the military history of an employee or applicant.

    ONETMDED   - The Payroll One-time Deduction file is used to verify that no
                 one-time deductions exist when the employee status is changed
                 to No Pay.

    PAASSIGNED - The Assigned Resources file is updated with FTE and head count
                 changes during an immediate update. It also verifies counts
                 against the budget.

    PACOMMENTS - The Personnel Comments file is updated when personnel action
                 comments are added.

    PAEMPAPP   -


    PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee file is used to display employee name and FICA

    PAEMPPOS   - The Employee Position file updates employee position history.

    PAMEDICAL  - The Emp Medical and Work Desc Code file maintains emergency
                 medical codes with begin and end dates.

    PAPEPAUDIT - The Retroactive Pos, Job Change file is udpated with
                 retroactive changes.

    PAPOSCHG   - The Position Changes file is updated with end date changes.

    PATHFIND   - The Employee Report Writer Paths file creates path find


    PAYMASTR   - The Employee Payments file is used to recreate paymaster
                 records when employee process level or department changes.

    PERSACTHST - The Personnel Action History file is updated with the action

    PERSACTION - The Personnel Action file is updated with pending actions.

    PERSGROUP  - The Employee Group Header file is used to verify employees

    PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee file is used to display employee name and FICA

    PRRATEHIST - The Employee Rate History file is accessed to retrieve pay
                 rate and salary change information.


    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the
                 company and its process levels.

    PRTAXLOC   -

    STANDTIME  - The Payroll Standard Time Record file updates STM-RATE from

    TIMERECORD - The Employee Time Record file is accessed by this program.

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - The Activity Account Categories file is accessed to verify the
                 account category.

    BENEFIT    - The Employee Benefit file is accessed by this program.

    BNBEN      -


    DEDCODE    -

    DEPTCODE   - The Department file is used to verify departments.

    EMDEPEND   - The Employee Dependent file is accessed by this program.


    EMPFLEXDOL - The Employee Flex Dollars file is accessed by this program.

    EMSTATUS   - The Employee/Applicant Status file is used to verify employees

    EMTAMASTR  - The Employee Time Accrual Master file is accessed by this

    GLINTCO    -

    GLSYSTEM   - The General Ledger Company file is used to verify GL Company
                 when Distribution Summary Types are used.


    HRSECLEV   - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this program.

    HRUSERFLDS - The HR User Fields file is accessed by this program.


    JOBCODE    - The Job Code Parameters file is used to verify job codes.

    PABUDGET   - The Budget file updates assigned counts and accessed for
                 budget edits.

    PADICT     - The HR Systems Data Security file is used to display the data
                 item name.

    PADICT2    -

    PAINSTRUCT - The Instructor Information file is accessed to ensure an
                 employee instructor is  not deleted.

    PAPOSITION - The Personnel Position Parameter file is used to verify

    PAPOSRULE  - The Position Rules file retrieves position rules used for
                 edits and updates.

    PASCRTY    - The Data Item Attribute Parameters file is used to verify


    PCODES     - The Human Resource Code file is used to verify HR codes.


    PERSACTYPE - The Personnel Action Code file updates PAT-LAST-CMT-SEQ and

    PGSELECT   - The Emp Group Selection Criteria file is used to verify
                 employees group selection.

    PLAN       -

    PRBUSGRP   -

    PREMDEDHST - The Employee Deduction History file is accessed by this

    PROVERTIME - The Overtime Pay Plan is accessed by this program.



    PRRATES    -

    PRSAGDTL   - The Step and Grade Schedule Detail file is used to verify step
                 and grade details.

    PRSAGHEAD  - The Step and Grade Schedule Header file is used to verify
                 grade range schedules and step and grade schedules.

    PRSTATE    - The States file is accessed by this program.

    PRTAXAUTH  - The Tax Authority file is accessed by this program.



    SIDEPTHD   -

    TAXGROUP   -

    WFSETUP    -

PA52.4 - Hire an Applicant

**Form Purpose
Use Hire an Applicant (PA52.4) to select the actions you want to perform when
you employ an applicant.

You can choose up to ten actions that update corresponding employee programs,
including applicant competencies, certifications, education, required
deductions, and so on.

**Processing Effect
If you choose more than one action, the system combines all actions before it
employs the applicant. If two or more actions have the same data items
associated with them, the system uses the  fields from the action with the
largest number in the Nbr field on this form.

If you select the Fill Defaults form action, the current defaults for the
position or requisition display. Depending on how you set up position defaults
in HR10.1 (Data Item Attributes), you cannot override some of these defaults.

PA52.4 either updates Employee (HR11.1) immediately or is pending; you can
change a pending action before it updates HR11.1. Run Action Update (PA100) to
employ applicants with pending hire actions.

If you use position codes, you must include all your defaulted fields on one
action because the system checks the position to make sure no override fields
are filled in. Lawson recommends that Position be part of the applicant's
first action.

If you use multiple pending actions, you must include process level as a data
item in the first action. This form checks the first action to determine the
new employee's work country, which is defined on the process level.

Fields that you define as required on Data Item Attributes (HR10.1) are
required on this form.

Updated Files


    APPLICANT  - The Applicant file is used to record the date hired.

    BNCHANGE   - The Benefit Audit file is updated with the benefit changes.

    BNGRPCHG   - The Benefit Group Change file is updated with group changes
                 that affect benefits.

    EMDEDMASTR - The Employee Deduction file is accessed by this program.

    EMPCODES   - The Emp/App Personnel Codes file is used to transfer employee
                 status codes from an applicant to an employee.

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file is the main file created by this program.

    EMTAMASTR  - The Employee Time Accrual Master file is accessed by this

    HISTERR    -

    HREMPUSF   - The Employee/Applicant User Fields file is accessed by this

    HRHISTORY  - The HR History file is updated to store applicant history
                 except for pay rate and salary changes.

    HRSUPER    - The Supervisors file is used to verify supervisors.

    MILITARY   - The Military Service History file creates military records
                 form an applicant to an employee.

    ONETMDED   - The Payroll One-time Deduction file is used to verify that no
                 one-time deductions exist when the employee status is changed
                 to No Pay.


    PACOMMENTS - The Personnel Comments file creates employee comments filled
                 and current FTE'S.

    PAEMPAPP   -


    PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee Personnel Information file is the primary file

    PAEMPPOS   - The Employee Position file updates employee personnel action

    PAMEDICAL  - The Emp Medical and Work Desc Code file creates employee work
                 restrictions from applicants.


    PAPOSCHG   -

    PATHFIND   - The Employee Report Writer Paths file creates path find

    PAYDEDUCTN - The Employee Payment Deductions file is accessed to verify the
                 deduction for internal applicants.

    PAYMASTR   - The Employee Payments file is used to create paymaster records.

    PERSACTHST - The Personnel Action History file is updated with a log of
                 personnel action changes.

    PERSACTION - The Personnel Action file is updated with pending action when
                 the action is pending.

    PERSGROUP  - The Employee Group Header file is used when a group is
                 affected on an add, this file is updated.

    PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file will be rebuilt if a change
                 affects an employee group.

    PRRATEHIST - The Employee Rate History file is used to log pay rate and
                 salary changes.


    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file updates

    PRTAXLOC   -

    STANDTIME  - The Payroll Standard Time Record file is accessed by this

    TIMERECORD - The Employee Time Records file is used to update
                 TRD-PROCESS-LEVEL and TRD-DEPARTMENT when process level or
                 department change.

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - The Activity Account Categories file is accessed to verify the
                 account category.

    BENEFIT    - The Employee Benefit file is accessed by this program.

    BNBEN      -


    DEDCODE    - The Deduction file is accessed by this program.

    DEPTCODE   - The Department file is used to verify departments.

    EMDEPEND   - The Employee Dependent file is accessed by this program.


    EMPFLEXDOL - The Employee Flex Dollars file is accessed by this program.

    EMSTATUS   - The Employee/Applicant Status file is used to verify employees

    GLINTCO    -

    GLSYSTEM   - The General Ledger Company file is used to verify general
                 ledger companies.


    HRSECLEV   - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this program.

    HRUSERFLDS - The HR User Fields file is accessed by this program.


    JOBCODE    - The Job Code Parameters file is used to verify job codes.

    PABUDGET   -

    PADICT     - The HR Systems Data Security file is used to verify display
                 data item names.

    PADICT2    -

    PAINSTRUCT - The Instructor Information is accessed to ensure an employee
                 instructor is not  deleted.

    PAJOBREQ   -

    PAPOSITION - The Personnel Position Parameter file updates number of filled
                 positions and current FTE'S.



    PASCRTY    - The Data Item Attribute Parameters file is used to verify


    PCODES     - The Human Resource Code file is used to verify HR codes.


    PERSACTYPE - The Personnel Action Code file updates PAT-LAST-CMT-SEQ and

    PGSELECT   - The Emp Group Selection Criteria file is used to verify
                 personnel group selection.

    PLAN       - The Benefit Plan file is used to verify plan codes.

    PLANMASTER - The Time Accrual Plan file is accessed by this program.

    PRBUSGRP   -

    PREMDEDHST - The Employee Deduction History file is accessed by this

    PROVERTIME - The Overtime Pay Plan is accessed by this program.



    PRQUALIFY  - The Required Code Select Criteria file is accessed by this

    PRRATES    -

    PRSAGDTL   - The Step and Grade Schedule Detail file is used to verify step
                 and grade details.

    PRSAGHEAD  - The Step and Grade Schedule Header file is used to verify
                 grade range schedules and step and grade schedules.

    PRSTATE    - The States file is accessed by this program.

    PRTAXAUTH  - The Tax Authority file is accessed by this program.

    PRTAXLEVY  - The Payroll Tax Levy file is accessed by this program.

    REQCODE    - The Required Deduction Code Header file is accessed by this


    SIDEPTHD   -

    TAXGROUP   -

    WFSETUP    -

PA52.5 - Position and Job Action

**Form Purpose
Use Position and Job Action (PA52.5) to implement position or job actions for
an employee.

PA52.5 is the only action form on which you can change information for Levels
2 through 5. You can use PA54.1 to

- add or change history records;

- delete history records; or

- move history records to an error file

- change the effective date of a historical record

- change the action code of a historical record

- combine a historical record with another

You can add comments associated with a personnel action. When you save an
immediate action, the comments subform appears. If the action is updated
immediately, you can only add the comments once and may not access them again.
When you save a pending action, you can choose the Comments button to define
comments about the action. You can maintain comments until you run Action
Update (PA100) and update the action.

**Processing Effect
PA52.5 updates Employee (HR11.1) with primary (Level 1) position or job
information and Multiple Positions, Jobs (PA13.1) with Level 1 through 5
position or job information. An action either updates these forms immediately
or is pending;  you can change a pending action before it updates the forms.
To update HR11.1  and  PA13.1 with a pending action, run PA100 (Action
Update). The system  validates  fields in HR11.1 and PA13.1 and a personnel
action the same way.

This form does not update Multiple Position, Job History (PA13.2).

If you select the Fill Defaults form action, current defaults for the
position or job display. Depending on how you set up position defaults in
Position Item Attributes (HR10.2) you cannot override some of these defaults.
In addition, some fields apply only to primary (Level 1) positions.

Use PR52.5 to automatically start and stop required deductions for the
employee. Employees are eligible for required deductions if they meet the
criteria defined on Deduction Required Code (PR03.1).

Available special process functionality includes history correction and new
effective dates. Override the history correction method defined on Action
(PA50.1) or the company default set on HR00 when correcting employee history
files with retroactive changes. Change the effective date of a pending action
by entering a new effective date.

Updated Files


    BNCHANGE   -


    BNGRPCHG   -


    EMPCODES   -

    EMPLOYEE   -

    HISTERR    -

    HREMPUSF   -


    HRSUPER    -

    MILITARY   -

    ONETMDED   -


    PACOMMENTS - Maintained by program on add, change, or delete functions.

    PAEMPAPP   -



    PAEMPPOS   -



    PAPOSCHG   -

    PAPOSERR   -


    PATHFIND   -


    PAYMASTR   -


    PERSACTION - Used to validate personnel actions.





    PRSYSTEM   -

    PRTAXLOC   -



Referenced Files


    BENEFIT    -

    BNBEN      -

    CUCODES    -

    DEDCODE    -

    DEPTCODE   -

    EMDEPEND   -



    EMSTATUS   -


    GLINTCO    -

    GLSYSTEM   -


    HRSECLEV   -



    JOBCODE    -


    PABUDGET   -

    PADICT     -

    PADICT2    -




    PASCRTY    -


    PCODES     -


    PERSACTYPE - Maintained by program on add, change, or delete functions.

    PGSELECT   -

    PLAN       -

    PRBUSGRP   -






    PRRATES    -

    PRSAGDTL   -


    PRSTATE    -



    REQCODE    -


    SIDEPTHD   -

    TAXGROUP   -

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
