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                            PAYDEDUCTN FILE

                      Employee Payment Deductions

This file contains employee deduction information associated with Employee
Payment file records. PR140 (Earnings and Deduction Calculation) is the
primary program that updates this file. For efficiency, one Employee Payment
Deductions file record stores information for up to ten Employee Deduction
file records. If an Employee Payment file record has more than ten Employee
Deduction file records associated with it, the system creates another Employee
Payment Deductions file record with a different sequence number. PR199
(Payroll Close) rolls the information in the Employee Payment Deductions file
records into D type Employee Payroll YTD Summary file records.

The Benefits system uses this file to total employee deduction amounts for
defined contribution plans for third-party administrator reporting.


AC542     BN100     BN101     BN102     BN103     BN105
BN145     BN232     BN245     BN31.1    BN31.2    BN32.1
BN32.2    BN32.3    BN330     BN340     BN45.1    BN531
BN65.1    BN71.1    BN72.1    BS13.1    BS14.1    BS15.1
BS32.1    HR170     HR70.1    PR125     PR139     PR141
PR142     PR160     PR180     PR197     PR226     PR247
PR260     PR275     PR276     PR277     PR282     PR294
PR418     PR50.2    PR51.1    PR51.2    PR51.3    PR86.1
AC541     BN104     BN150     PR128     PR130     PR131
PR132     PR134     PR136     PR14.1    PR15.1    PR15.2
PR205     PR26.1    PR26.2    PR29.1    PR32.2    PR33.2
PR33.3    PR35.1    PR35.2    PR35.3    PR35.4    PR35.5
PR35.6    PR35.8    PR39.1    PR39.2    PR47.1    PR47.2
PR514     PR529     PR530     UK102     TA147     UK120


BN500     BN66.1    HR11.1    HR11.2    HR511     HR650
PA02.1    PA100     PA102     PA13.1    PA13.2    PA502
PA513     PA52.1    PA52.3    PA52.4    PA52.5    PR110
PR113     PR120     PR13.1    PR13.5    PR13.6    PR13.8
PR140     PR189     PR195     PR300     PR45.1    PR560
PR80.1    PR82.1    PR85.1    PR89.1    PR36.1


PYD-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   BN500   BN66.1
Company              The company number represents an            PR140   PR189
                     established company and is entered on       PR195   PR560
                     all function codes.                         PR80.1  PR82.1

PYD-EMPLOYEE         Numeric 9                                   BN500   BN66.1
Employee             Contains the employee number. Each          PR140   PR189
                     person employed by the company is           PR195   PR560
                     assigned a unique number. The system        PR80.1  PR82.1
                     uses the employee number to correlate       PR89.1
                     all of the information related to that

PYD-CHECK-ID         Numeric 12                                  BN500   BN66.1
Internal Check ID    Contains the payment identification         PR140   PR189
Number               number. When you create a payment           PR195   PR560
                     deduction record, the system moves the      PR80.1  PR82.1
                     payment identification number into this     PR85.1  PR89.1
                     field to serve as the link between the
                     Employee Payment file record and the
                     Employee Payment Deductions file record.

PYD-DED-CODE         Alpha 4                                     BN500   BN66.1
Deduction Code       Contains the employee deduction.            PR140   PR189
                                                                 PR195   PR560
                                                                 PR80.1  PR82.1

PYD-PROCESS-LEVEL    Alpha 5                                     BN500   BN66.1
Process Level        This field contains the tax reporting       PR140   PR189
                     process level.                              PR195   PR560
                                                                 PR80.1  PR82.1

PYD-WORK-STATE       Alpha 2                                     BN500   BN66.1
Work State           Identifies the state in which the           PR140   PR189
                     workers' compensation plan is affective.    PR195   PR560
                                                                 PR80.1  PR82.1

PYD-PAYROLL-YEAR     Numeric 4                                   BN500   BN66.1
Current Payroll Year Contains the year portion of the            PR140   PR189
                     payment date.                               PR195   PR560
                                                                 PR80.1  PR82.1
                                                                 PR85.1  PR89.1

PYD-QUARTER          Numeric 1                                   BN500   BN66.1
Quarter              Contains the quarter number associated      PR140   PR189
                     with the payment date.                      PR195   PR560
                     1                                           PR80.1  PR82.1
                     2                                           PR85.1  PR89.1

PYD-EDM-SEQ-NBR      Numeric 4                                   BN66.1  PR140
Emp Deduction        Contains the employee deduction             PR189   PR195
Sequence Number      sequence number.                            PR560   PR80.1
                                                                 PR82.1  PR89.1

PYD-DED-AMT          Signed 13.2                                 AC542   BN500
Deduction Amount     Contains the deduction amount taken on      BN66.1  HR70.1
                     a payment. The system rolls the             PR140   PR189
                     deduction amount into the employee's        PR195   PR197
                     year-to-date deduction amount.              PR50.2  PR51.1
                                                                 PR51.2  PR560
                                                                 PR80.1  PR80.2
                                                                 PR82.1  PR85.1

PYD-TAX-WAGES        Signed 13.2                                 BN500   BN66.1
Taxable Wages        Contains the taxable wages for a            PR140   PR189
                     payment. The system uses this field to      PR195   PR560
                     calculate a withholding type deduction.     PR80.1  PR82.1
                     The system rolls the taxable wages into     PR85.1  PR89.1
                     the employee's year-to-date wage amount.

PYD-WAGE-AMOUNT      Signed 13.2                                 BN500   BN66.1
Wage Amount          Contains the sum of all wage amounts        PR140   PR189
                     from time records for pay codes tied to     PR195   PR560
                     this pay summary group.                     PR80.1  PR82.1
                                                                 PR85.1  PR89.1

PYD-EXCESS           Signed 13.2                                 BN500   BN66.1
Excess               Contains the total amount of wages that     PR140   PR189
                     exceed the defined limit of wages           PR195   PR560
                     subject to unemployment taxes.              PR80.1  PR82.1
                                                                 PR85.1  PR89.1

PYD-GARN-OBJ-ID      Numeric 12                                  BN66.1  PR140
Garn Obj Id          Assigned when an employee garnishment       PR189   PR195
                     table (PREMPGARN) is added and              PR560   PR80.1
                     deductions are created. This ID links       PR82.1  PR89.1
                     the employee deductions to this
                     garnishment (case number/file number).
                     If the same deduction is created for
                     this employee, this ID along with the
                     sequence number keeps the record unique.

PYD-REPORT-ENTITY    Alpha 5                                     BN66.1  PR140
Report Entity        Contains the report entity.                 PR189   PR195
                                                                 PR560   PR80.1
                     Report Entity is the Process Level or       PR82.1  PR89.1
                     Company that this Process Level reports
                     to for tax reporting.  If the Process
                     Level itself is independent then the
                     independent Process Level is the Report
                     Entity.  If the Process Level is non
                     independent and is associated to a
                     independent head Process Level then the
                     independent head Process Level is the
                     Report Entity.  If the Process Level is
                     non independent and is not associated to
                     a independent head Process Level then
                     the Company is the Report Entity.

PYD-BUS-NBR-GRP      Alpha 4                                     BN66.1  PR140
Bus Nbr Grp          Contains the business number group.         PR189   PR195
                                                                 PR560   PR80.1
                                                                 PR82.1  PR89.1

PYD-QC-ENT-NBR-GRP   Alpha 4                                     BN66.1  PR140
Qc Ent Nbr Grp       Contains the Quebec enterprise number       PR189   PR195
                     group.                                      PR560   PR80.1
                                                                 PR82.1  PR89.1

PYD-OBJ-ID           Numeric 12                                  BN66.1  PR140
Object               This is the object identifier. It is        PR189   PR195
Identification       used to relate commitments or posted        PR80.1  PR89.1
                     transactions back to the originating
                     subsystems. Each subsystem record that
                     is updated as a commitment or posted
                     transaction is assigned an object
                     identifier. The object identifier is
                     maintained in the subsystem files and in
                     the Activity Commitments Detail and
                     Activity Transaction files. The object
                     identifier is a unique key used to drill
                     back from Activity Management to the

PYD-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     BN66.1  PR140
Currency Code        This field contains the company base        PR189   PR195
                     currency code established in Company        PR560   PR80.1
                     (GL10.1 ).                                  PR82.1  PR89.1

PYD-CURR-ND          Numeric 1                                   BN66.1  PR140
Currency Number of   Represents the number of decimals           PR189   PR195
Decimals             defined for the currency of the object.     PR560   PR80.1
                                                                 PR82.1  PR89.1

PYD-CHECK-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       BN66.1  PR140
Payment Date         The payment date.                           PR189   PR195
                                                                 PR560   PR80.1
                                                                 PR82.1  PR89.1

PYD-PER-END-DATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       BN500   BN66.1
Period End Date      The period end date of the specified        PR140   PR189
                     year.                                       PR195   PR560
                                                                 PR80.1  PR82.1
                                                                 PR85.1  PR89.1

PYD-BALANCE-TYPE     Alpha 1                                     BN66.1  PR140
Balance Type         A = Ascending                               PR189   PR195
                     D = Descending                              PR560   PR80.1
                     " "                                         PR82.1  PR89.1

PYD-TAX-FLAG         Alpha 1                                     BN66.1  PR140
Tax Flag             T = Tax                                     PR189   PR195
                     S = Tax Status                              PR560   PR80.1
                     " " = Non-tax                               PR82.1  PR89.1

PYD-HM-PROCESS-LEV   Alpha 5                                     BN66.1  HR11.1
Hm Process Lev                                                   HR11.2  HR511
                                                                 HR650   PA02.1
                                                                 PA100   PA102
                                                                 PA13.1  PA13.2
                                                                 PA502   PA513
                                                                 PA52.1  PA52.3
                                                                 PA52.4  PA52.5
                                                                 PR110   PR113
                                                                 PR120   PR13.1
                                                                 PR13.5  PR13.6
                                                                 PR13.8  PR140
                                                                 PR189   PR195
                                                                 PR560   PR80.1
                                                                 PR82.1  PR89.1

PYD-COUNTRY-CODE     Alpha 2                                     BN66.1  PR140
Country Code         The country code.  Required for VAT and     PR189   PR195
                     intrastat reporting.  Must be defined in    PR560   PR80.1
                      IN01.1 (Country Maintenance).              PR82.1  PR89.1

                         PAYDEDUCTN FILE INDEX


PYDSET1   COMPANY                                                AC542   BN100
          EMPLOYEE                                               BN101   BN102
          CHECK-ID                                               BN103   BN105
          DED-CODE                                               BN145   BN232
          EDM-SEQ-NBR                                            BN245   BN31.1
          REPORT-ENTITY                                          BN31.2  BN32.1
          BUS-NBR-GRP                                            BN32.2  BN32.3
          QC-ENT-NBR-GRP                                         BN330   BN340
          PROCESS-LEVEL                                          BN45.1  BN500
          WORK-STATE                                             BN531   BN65.1
                                                                 BN66.1  BN71.1
                                                                 BN72.1  BS13.1
                                                                 BS14.1  BS15.1
                                                                 BS32.1  HR11.1
                                                                 HR11.2  HR170

PYDSET3   COMPANY                                                AC541   AC542
          EMPLOYEE                                               BN100   BN101
          DED-CODE                                               BN102   BN103
          EDM-SEQ-NBR                                            BN104   BN105
          CHECK-ID                                               BN145   BN150
          REPORT-ENTITY                                          BN245   BN31.1
          BUS-NBR-GRP                                            BN31.2  BN32.1
          QC-ENT-NBR-GRP                                         BN32.2  BN32.3
          PROCESS-LEVEL                                          BN45.1  BN531
          WORK-STATE                                             BN65.1  BN66.1
                                                                 BN71.1  BN72.1
                                                                 BS13.1  BS14.1
                                                                 BS15.1  BS32.1
                                                                 HR11.1  HR11.2
                                                                 HR511   HR650

PYDSET4   COMPANY       KeyChange                                BN66.1  PR139
          EMPLOYEE                                               PR140   PR189
          DED-CODE                                               PR195   PR283
          PER-END-DATE                                           PR80.1  PR89.1

                         PAYDEDUCTN FILE RELATIONS



Company        PRSYSTEM     Required

                            PYD-COMPANY           -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces                -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Deduct Code    DEDCODE      Required

                            PYD-COMPANY           -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PYD-DED-CODE          -> DDC-DED-CODE

Emp Ded Code   EMDEDMASTR   Required

                            PYD-COMPANY           -> EDM-COMPANY
                            PYD-EMPLOYEE          -> EDM-EMPLOYEE
                            PYD-DED-CODE          -> EDM-DED-CODE
                            PYD-EDM-SEQ-NBR       -> EDM-SEQ-NBR

Employee       EMPLOYEE     Required

                            PYD-COMPANY           -> EMP-COMPANY
                            PYD-EMPLOYEE          -> EMP-EMPLOYEE

Payment        PAYMASTR     Required

                            PYD-COMPANY           -> PYM-COMPANY
                            PYD-EMPLOYEE          -> PYM-EMPLOYEE
                            PYD-CHECK-ID          -> PYM-CHECK-ID

Process Level  PRSYSTEM     Required

                            PYD-COMPANY           -> PRS-COMPANY
                            PYD-PROCESS-LEVEL     -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Prqcentgrp     PRQCENTGRP   Not Required

                            PYD-COMPANY           -> PQC-COMPANY
                            PYD-PROCESS-LEVEL     -> PQC-PROCESS-LEVEL
                            PYD-QC-ENT-NBR-GRP    -> PQC-QC-ENT-NBR-GRP

Tax Id         PRTAXAUTH    Required
                            When PYD-CALC-TYPE = "T"

                            DDC-TAX-ID-CODE       -> PRX-TAX-ID-CODE

Work State     PRSTATE      Required
                            When PYD-WORK-STATE != Spaces

                            PYD-WORK-STATE        -> PSA-STATE

                         PAYDEDUCTN FILE RELATIONS



Prdeddtl       PRDEDDTL

                            PYD-OBJ-ID            -> PDE-PYD-OBJ-ID

Quartded       QUARTDED

                            PYD-COMPANY           -> QTD-COMPANY
                            PYD-COUNTRY-CODE      -> QTD-COUNTRY-CODE
                            PRS-PAYROLL-YEAR      -> QTD-PAYROLL-YEAR
                            PYD-EMPLOYEE          -> QTD-EMPLOYEE
                            PYD-DED-CODE          -> QTD-DED-CODE